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Edmonds Joins NIGMS

Dr. Charles G. EdmondsDr. Charles G. Edmonds has joined NIGMS as a special expert in the Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics, where he will administer grants in analytical chemistry and mass spectroscopy. He will also assist in the development of two NIGMS initiatives — one for the development of protein crystallography synchrotron beamlines and one for structural genomics. Edmonds is a chemist who comes to NIGMS from the Department of Energy, where he served as a physical scientist in the medical science division of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. While at DOE, he managed programs in genome instrumentation research and computational structural biology. His research interests include the application of mass spectrometric techniques to the study of the structure and function of biological macromolecules.

Rosenthal Named Director of New CIT Division

Alexander I. RosenthalAlexander I. Rosenthal was recently named director of the new Division of Enterprise and Custom Applications for CIT. He joined NIH in 1995 as a special expert for the Office of Techno-logy and Information Systems at NIAID and helped create its Management and Information Systems Branch. Later, as chief of the branch, Rosenthal helped implement NIAID's migration from a mainframe environment to a more modern client/server system. He received the 1998 NIH Director's award for designing and developing NIAID's electronic review administration initiative. Before coming to NIH, he worked as a senior systems analyst for ROW Sciences, Inc. He is also a former champion chess player.

Ruiz Bravo Appointed to NIGMS Extramural Post

Dr. Norka Ruiz BravoDr. Norka Ruiz Bravo was recently appointed deputy associate director for extramural activities at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. She will assist in setting grant funding policies and procedures and will serve as the institute's liaison to the Center for Scientific Review. Ruiz Bravo, who has worked at NIH for the last 9 years, has served as deputy director of NCI's Division of Cancer Biology since 1997 and acting director of the division since 1998. She first came to NIH as a scientific review administrator in the NIGMS Office of Scientific Review and later became a program director in the institute's Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology, where she administered grants related to the molecular mechanisms of gene control. She has been active in the NIH STEP committee and served as its chair.

Schatzkin To Head DCEG Branch

Dr. Arthur SchatzkinDr. Arthur Schatzkin has been selected to head the Nutritional Epidemiology Branch in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG), NCI. He began work at NCI in 1984 as a senior staff fellow in the Cancer Prevention Studies Branch of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, becoming a senior investigator in 1988. He joined DCEG's Nutritional Epidemio-logy Branch in 1997. His research focuses on the nutritional causes and prevention of cancer. Schatzkin's ideas on the role of diet and nutrition in the etiology of cancer and his vision for the Nutritional Epidemiology Branch will be presented in the December issue of DCEG Linkage.

Torkashvan Joins NCRR

Esmail TorkashvanEsmail Torkashvan recently joined NCRR as a general engineer in the research infrastructure area. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Maryland who specializes in administering and evaluating construction and renovation grants. Previously, he was the senior mechanical design engineer and project manager for the in-house design team at the Division of Engineering Services at NIH, where he was responsible for a variety of renovations and new construction of biomedical research, vivarium, and clinical center facilities. He was also the lead mechanical engineer responsible for review of research infrastructure programs at NCRR. He has reviewed construction documents for universities and research facilities in both the U.S. and abroad to ensure accuracy. He is a senior, voting member of the NIH Design Guidelines, a document that sets and updates design guidelines and standards to be adopted nationally for design of biomedical and vivarium facilities. At NCRR, he will work primarily on the Research Facilities Improvement and Animal Facilities Improvement Programs.

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