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Functional Requirements Documents (FReD)
for a Model WIC System Updated Nov 2008

Information Systems (IS) in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC Program) support a number of program operations and management functions, such as certifying applicants, monitoring food vendors, tracking participation and expenditures and managing appointments.  The Functional Requirements Document for a Model WIC System (FRED) provides a comprehensive description of functions that can be automated to support the WIC Program.

Note:  The files are provided here in Adobe Acrobat format,  which requires the Acrobat Reader to open them. Click the Acrobat Reader icon to download the free software.

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FReD Version 2008 2.0 (complete, searchable document)
  FReD Version 2008 2.0 (chapter by chapter)
Table of Contents
1.1 Environment
1.2 Background
1.3 Purpose of this Document
1.4 Changes from the 2002 Version
1.5 Required Functions
1.6 Implementation Approaches
1.7 Document Layout
Program Overview 
2.1 Background
2.2 Objectives
2.3 Summary of Functional Areas
2.4 System Stakeholders
2.5 Functional Distribution
WIC Functional Requirements

3.1 Certification
3.2 Nutrition Education, Health Surveillance and Referrals
3.3 Food Management
3.4 Food Benefit Issuance
3.5 Food Benefit Redemption, Settlement, & Reconciliation
3.6 Financial Management
3.7 Caseload Management
3.8 Operations Management
3.9 Vendor Management
3.10 Scheduling
3.11 System Administration
3.12 Reporting

4.1 Data Stores
4.2 Data Code Tables
4.3 Data Dictionary
  Appendix A: Index 
  Appendix B: Glossary of Acronyms & Terms
  Appendix C: Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)
  Appendix D: WIC IS Base Functionality
  Appendix E. Electronic Benefit Transfer Systems - coming soon
  Appendix F: Policy/Data Reference Information
  Appendix G: Comparison of WIC Information Systems - coming soon


Last modified: 12/11/2008

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