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Office of the Under Secretary
Under Secretary's Speeches and Remarks in 2003

 November 6, 2003:  Remarks at the Agriculture Future of America in Kansas City, Missouri (PDF)*
 October 20, 2003:  Remarks at the Mortgage Bankers Association 90th Annual Convention (PDF)
 October 16, 2003:  Opening (PDF) and Full (PDF) Remarks on New Generation Cooperatives
     Before the House Committee on Agriculture
 October 1, 2003:  Remarks at the Renewable Fuels Association Board of Directors Meeting (PDF)
 September 30, 2003:  Remarks at the Rural Telecommunications Congress and Rural Broadband Coalition Meeting (PDF)
 September 4, 2003:  Opening Remarks on Attracting Economic Growth in Rural America
     Before the House Committee on Small Business
 August 26, 2003:  Opening and Full (PDF) Remarks on the Rural Economy, Renewable Energy and the Role
     of Cooperatives, Before the Senate Finance Committee in Des Moines, Iowa
 August 6, 2003:  Remarks at the 6th Annual Minnesota Rural Summit
 July 30, 2003:  Remarks at the National Biodiesel Board Annual Meeting (PDF)
 June 25, 2003:  Statement on the Benefits of Rural Development's Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program
     Before the House Committee on Agriculture
 June 25, 2003:  Statement on the Multi-Family Housing Section 521 Rental Assistance Program
     Before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Financial Services
 June 16, 2003:  Remarks at the National Rural Housing Summit (PDF)
 June 16, 2003:  Summit Remarks on FHA Commissioner Weicher and the FHA Mortgage Scorecard (PDF)
 June 11, 2003:  Remarks at the Iowa Bankers Association Meeting (PDF)
 June 10, 2003:  Remarks at the Regional Value Added Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan (PDF)
 June 3, 2003:  Remarks at the Anaerobic Digester Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina (PDF)
 May 30, 2003:  Remarks at the Homeownership and Broadband Grant Event in Anthony, New Mexico (PDF)
 May 29, 2003:  Remarks at the Second Annual Business Technology Conference in St. George, Utah (PDF)
 April 7, 2003:  Remarks at the North American Agriculture Journalists Meeting (PDF)
 March 19, 2003:  Statement on the FY 2004 Budget Request Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture,
     Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
 March 11, 2003:  Remarks at the Cenex Harvest States Meeting (PDF)
 March 3, 2003:  Remarks at the National American Indian Housing Council Legislative Conference (PDF)
 March 2, 2003:  Remarks at the National Association of Counties Rural Action Caucus Breakfast (PDF)
 February 25, 2003:  Remarks at National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners 2003 Winter Meeting (PDF)
 February 20, 2003:  Remarks at the 2003 Ag Outlook Forum (PDF)
 February 18, 2003:  Remarks at the 2003 National Ethanol Conference in Phoenix, Arizona (PDF)
 February 16, 2003:  Remarks at the National Conference of State Legislatures Ag Chairs Summit in Dallas, Texas (PDF)
 February 10, 2003:  Remarks at 3rd Harvesting Clean Energy Conference in Boise, Idaho (PDF)
 February 3, 2003:  Remarks at the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils
     Meeting (PDF)
 January 29, 2003:  Remarks of Secretary Veneman, Under Secretary Dorr and Utilities Programs Administrator Legg
     Announcing New Programs For Expansion of Rural Telecommunications Technology (PDF)
 January 15, 2003:  Remarks at the Farm Bill Outreach Meeting in Victoria, TX (PDF)


Speeches and Remarks for 2006
Speeches and Remarks for 2005
Speeches and Remarks for 2004
Speeches and Remarks for 2002

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** This audio presentation requires Windows Media Player. (Get help with Windows Media Player.)

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