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Case Studies

Strategic Planning Process to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities in Arkansas

Resources Required

Describe the individuals and groups whose paid or unpaid participation was essential.

Title/ Position Responsibilities/ Skills Required Source Hours/ Duration
Project Coordinator Recruit workgroup members, recruit and hire contract staff, lead debriefing meetings subsequent to workgroup meetings, attend CDC meetings, draft strategic plan and lead effort to market plan. Project Staff (in-kind) 10 to 5 hours per week for one year. (Upon being hired, the Assistant Coordinator fulfilled many responsibilities that originally were designated to the Project Coordinator.)
Assistant Coordinator Provide continuous project coordination, recruit workgroup members, maintain workgroup members between meetings, provide on-going outreach, create and disseminate materials, support workgroup members, attend debriefing meetings subsequent to workgroup meetings, attend CDC meetings, assist in drafting strategic plan and effort to market plan, coordinate all workgroup meeting logistics. Project Staff (in-kind) 20 hours per week for 9 months and 40 hours attendance at one CDC meeting.
Meeting Facilitator Facilitate Workgroup meetings for teambuilding activities and group members talking to each other rather than through the facilitator. The facilitator was able to model and facilitate appropriate language and communication, participatory involvement, risk taking, participatory decision-making, and moving beyond disagreement. The facilitator was able to create group consensus on operating and decision-making procedures. Consultant 20 hours per week for 9 months and 40 hours attendance at one CDC meeting.
Evaluator Attend, observe, and document all meetings. Develop and administer formative evaluation instruments implemented at workgroup meetings, provide evaluation results to project team members at regular debriefing meetings, attend CDC trainings, participate in national conference calls with CDC program officers and draft the case study report including reflections on both process and outcome evaluation results. Consultant 160 hours over 9 months. Attended two CDC meetings.

Additional Staff and Information:


Materials/Resources Required

The Arkansas Tobacco Prevention and Education Program provided extensive in-kind support to the strategic planning process. The program loaned two staff members, one at 50% time and one at 25 to 30% time, to implement the strategic planning process. In addition, the program provided communications, materials, mailing, printing, etc., as needed.


Page last modified 07/25/2007