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NIH Record

Contract for Interpreting Services Awarded

The new NIH-wide Interpreting Services contract — available for all NIH employees, visitors and patients — has been awarded to Sign Language Associates (SLA). Since 1988, the Office of Equal Opportunity provided these services to the NIH community through a variety of means. With this new contract, these services will be provided to the NIH centrally (including those ICs with programs located in Baltimore) through the Special Program Services Office (SPSO) located within the Office of Research Services' Division of Support Services. As the project officer for this contract, SPSO will monitor the quality, assist in the scheduling, and act as the point of contact for the provision of all interpreting services to NIH.

SLA will be able to provide a wide range of interpreting (sign language, tactile, deaf, etc.) for a variety of meetings; campus-wide activities; special programs; scientific conferences and lectures; and one-on-one meetings between supervisors and employees and doctors and patients.

SLA will begin providing NIH interpreting services by July 1. More information will follow toward the end of June, including a consumer manual on use of the contract, and posters and tent cards announcing the start-up date. An official open house and orientation is scheduled for Friday, July 9 at 9 a.m. in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 10. Here you can meet most of the interpreters who will be servicing NIH and ask any questions about the contract.

If there are any questions regarding the new interpreting services, contact Timothy J. Tosten, project officer, at 402-8180.

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