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NIH Record News Briefs

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series — held on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 — has only a few more lectures before taking a summer break. On June 23, Dr. Barbara Imperiali, professor of chemistry, California Institute of Technology, will speak on "Chemistry and Biology of Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation."

The last lecture of the season is on June 30, when Dr. Kim A. Nasmyth, director, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, gives a talk on "Separating Sister Chromatids."

The lecture series will resume in September.

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, 594-5595.

FAES Announces Fall Courses

The FAES Graduate School at NIH announces the schedule of courses for the fall semester. The evening classes sponsored by the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences will be given on the NIH campus. Courses are offered in biochemistry, biology, biotechnology (daytime courses), chemistry, computer sciences, imaging sciences, immunology, languages, medicine, microbiology, pharmacology, psychiatry, statistics, toxicology, administration and courses of general interest.

It is often possible to transfer credits earned to other institutions for degree work, and many courses are approved for category 1 credit toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award.

Classes begin Sept. 13; mail registration ends Aug. 28 and walk-in registration will be held Sept. 1-8. Tuition is $100 per credit hour, and courses may be taken for credit or audit. Courses that qualify for institute support as training should be cleared with supervisors and administrative officers as soon as possible.

Catalogs will be available in the graduate school office in Bldg. 60, Suite 230, the foundation bookstore in Bldg. 10, Rm. B1L101, and the business office in Bldg. 10, Rm. B1C18. To have a catalog sent, call 496-7976 or visit the FAES Web site at

Farmers Market at NIH Every Tuesday

The Montgomery County department of economic development and the county Farmers Market Association will offer fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods and other products on the main campus (parking lot 41B) every Tuesday from 2 to 6 p.m. through Nov. 30.

Microtome Blade Sharpening

A new service is now being provided by the Scientific Equipment and Instrumentation Branch. It has a state-of-the-art microtome/cryostat blade sharpening machine. SEIB offers pickup and delivery. Call 496-5195 for more information.

NIH'ers Among 'Most Cited' Scientists

A survey of citations in journals of clinical medicine between 1981 and June 1998, conducted by the Institute for Scientific Information, shows five NIH'ers, including three from the National Cancer Institute, among the world's most-cited authorities.

Dr. Steven Rosenberg, chief of NCI's Surgery Branch, is ranked second overall during this period, with some 22,734 references in the literature. Placing ninth is NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, with 18,114 citations.

When ISI examined four subfields within clinical medicine, Rosenberg placed first in oncology, followed by NCI's Dr. Elaine Jaffe in ninth place. NCI's Dr. Joseph Fraumeni placed eighth in epidemiology, while NHLBI's Dr. Stephen Epstein was the 10th most-cited researcher in cardiology.

The rankings were published in the May/June 1999 issue of ScienceWatch, an ISI publication.

BLT Takes Show on the Road

The Bethesda Little Theatre recently concluded its sprightly spring production The Best of Times: the Music of Jerry Herman, featuring music from the broadway musicals Mack & Mabel, Mame, Hello Dolly, and La Cage Aux Folles. For its next activity the group will present portions of the show "on the road," performing at various community organizations, retirement homes and senior citizen centers. Persons who did not perform in the staged production may participate in the road shows. The BLT is an NIH R&W organization that supports the charities of NIH. Proceeds received from its performances have been donated to the NIH Patient Emergency Fund and to Camp Funshine (a camp for children with AIDS). If you would like to join the BLT or would like more information about the group, contact: Lynne Pusanik, 496-7700 x214, email or visit the Web site:

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