
     *a. Coverage

5 U.S.C. 5541-5549 provides the general framework governing premium pay for all employees of the Department of Agriculture except for the following, whose premium pay entitlements are 
governed in whole or in part by other statutes:

      (1) The Secretary of Agriculture.

      (2) Employees whose rate of basic pay equals or 
exceed the maximum scheduled rate of grade
GS-15. Employees who are assigned to fight 
wildland fires may be paid premium compensation
only to the extent that such payment would not 
cause their annual aggregate rate of compensation 
to exceed the maximum rate of GS-15 (Public Law 
100-523). All other employees whose rate of 
basic pay is less than the maximum scheduled rate
of GS-15 may be paid premium compensation under
5 U.S.C. 5541-5549 provisions only to the extent 
that such payment would not cause their aggregate 
rate of compensation to exceed the maximum 
scheduled rate of GS-15 for any pay period. 
The aggregate rate of bsic compenation includes pay 
for compensatory time as well as for overtime.

   (3) Employees outside the continental United 
States or in Alaska who are paid in accordance
with local native prevailing wage rates for the 
area in which employed.

   (4) Employees whose basic pay is fixed and
adjusted from time-to-time in accordance with
prevailing rates by a wage board, or similar 
administrative authority serving the same 
purpose, except as provided by 5 U.S.C. 5544. 
(See DPM Chapter 532 for premium rates to which 
these employees are entitled.)

   (5) Employees in cooperatively controlled
"agent" positions to whom the provisions of
5 U.S.C. 5102 apply. These employees are
entitled to premium pay in accordance with the
terms of the applicable cooperative agreement.

   (6) Employees for whom premium rates may be 
waived under 7 U.S.C. 2226. Prior approval of 
the Director of Personnel shall be obtained for
waiver of premium pay under 7 U.S.C. 2226 
provisions. Each request shall specify: 
(1) the kind of work involved; (2) the location 
and probable duration of the work; (3) the 
estimated number of employees involved; (4) the
grade of the affected employee; and, (5) the 
proposed hours of work per day and per week.

    (7) Inspectional personnel who receive
additional or alternative premium pay for 
overtime, night, and holiday work under the 
regulations prescribed in 1-11 of the Chapter.

    (8) Experts and consultants appointed 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109 on a temporary basis, 
for full-time, part-time, or intermittent 
services. Such employees are entitled to the 
per diem rate prescribed in their contracts for 
employment for each day on which service is 
performed that effectively interrupts their 
pursuits for substantially the entire day.

    (9) Employees on military and court leave. 
An employee is entitled to premium pay 
(overtime, Sunday, holiday, and night) during 
absences that are covered by court and military
leave when it can be documented that the 
employee would have worked during that time 
entitling him or her to premium pay.

    (10) Employees of the Cooperative Extension 
Service who hold Schedule A appointments under 
5 CFR 213.3113(a)(1) and serve without Federal 

    (11) Employees who work on a compressed work 
schedule. For such employees, overtime is all 
work in excess of those specified hours which 
constitute the compressed schedule.

1-3.          OVERTIME PAY

    a.    Authorization

"Regularly" scheduled work is defined as work 
that is scheduled in advance of the 
administrative workweek. USDA's administrative workweek begins at 12:01 a.m. Sunday morning 
and ends at midnight Saturday. Overtime work 
is all work in excess of 8 hours a day or 40 
hours in an administrative workweek. To be 
regularly schedule, overtime work must be 
specific as to the employee(s), day(s), 
hour(s), and time to be worked, and must be 
scheduled to later than midnight Saturday of 
the week before it is to be performed (e.g., 
John Doe, Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m, not 
"someone, two hours, sometime next week"). 
Overtime which does not meet all of the above 
conditions is defined as irregular or 

The Secretary has delegated authority to order 
and approve overtime work to Agency Heads, 
Acting Agency Heads, or their designees. Such 
overtime work may be ordered or approved only 
in writing. This authority also may be used*

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*by Agencies for any continuing increase in hours
of duty beyond 40 hours per week. For additional information regarding overtime work and hours of 
duty, see DPM Chapter 610; for employees on 
alternative Work Schedules, see FPM Supplement 
990-2, Book 620; for employees covered by the 
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), see FPM Letters 
in the 551 series.

  d.   Compensatory Time Off

  (1)   Authorizing compensatory time
  (a)   Approving requests for compensatory time
              off. Employees with a scheduled tour of 
              duty may be granted compensatory time off
              in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or 
              occasional overtime work. Regularly 
              scheduled overtime, on the other hand, must
              be paid. Employees whose annual rate of
              basic pay is less than the maximum rate for 
              a GS-10 and who want compensatory time in 
              lieu of overtime pay must request it, in 
              writing, prior to the end of the pay period 
              in which the overtime was worked. When 
              compensatory time is granted, it is 
              substituted on an hour-for-hour basis for
              irregular or occasional overtime. 
             Compensatory time should be documented in 
             accordance with standard T&A procedures.

  (b)   Compensatory time off on regular overtime
          day. Employees whose regular tours of duty 
          include overtime work and who on occasion 
          are ordered to perform irregular overtime 
          work may be allowed to take compensatory 
          time off from duty for non-overtime hours
          on any regular overtime day.

  (2)   Requiring use of compensatory time

         Employees whose annual rate of basic pay 
         exceeds the maximum rate of a GS-10 
         may be required to take compensatory 
         time in lieu of premium pay for irregular 
         or occasional overtime. Agency Heads, 
         or their designees, are authorized to
         require compensatory time. 

  (3)   Time limit on use of compensatory time

  (a)   Use of compensatory time. Employees 
whose overtime work is compensated for by 
time off in lieu of overtime pay must use such
time off by the end of the leave year 
following the year in which it was 
earned. If requirements of the work 
situation are such that the 
compensatory time cannot be used within 
this period, it shall be liquidated as 
provided in (b) below. 

Compensatory time must be used by employees before they may be granted annual leave, provided this shall not result 
in their losing any annual leave they may have accumulated. This means that annual leave may be substituted for 
compensatory time where the use of compensatory time has resulted in or will result in the forfeiture of annual leave. 
Once an employee has taken compensatory  time, 
 an employee may not request overtime pay for the work. Supervisors are expected have their employees take compensatory time off as soon after they have earned it as 
possible, and should take all necessary steps to avoid situations which might result in employees accumulating compensatory time which cannot be used within the period prescribed above.

   (b)   Cut-off date for liquidating unused 
           compensatory time off. Compensatory time 
           off which has not been taken prior to 
           transfer or separation from the Department, 
           transfer to another Agency of the 
           Department, or the end of the leave year 
           following the leave year in which it was 
           earned, shall be paid for at the overtime 
           rate of pay at which it was earned.

  (c)     Payment for overtime when employees 
           do not elect or are not granted 
           compensatory   time off. Employees 
           who do not elect, or are not granted 
           compensatory time off  under the 
           other provisions of this paragraph, 
           shall be paid for the overtime hours of 
           duty when due.

  e.   Adjustment of Work Schedules for 
        Religious Observances

      (1) Compensatory time earned under 5 U.S.C. 
5550a as a result of an adjustment of an employee 
work schedule to accommodate religious beliefs is 
separate and distinct from the compensatory time 
discussed in paragraph 1-3d above. It has no 
relationship to the premium pay provisions of 
Title 5 and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

     (2) To the extent that such modifications in 
work schedules do not interfere with the 
efficient accomplishment of an Agency's mission, 
the Agency shall afford an employee the 
opportunity to work compensatory overtime and 
receive compensatory time off for religious 

     (3) Any advance time granted for religious 
observances should be repaid by the end of the 
leave year in which it was granted. However, 
this requirement may be waived by an Agency when *

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*suitable arrangements to repay can be made after 
the end of a leave year. Supervisors should be
advised to review T&A's where such time has been 
advanced to assure repayment is made either by the 
end of the leave year, or by some other date as 
established by the Agency.


  d.   Pay for Holidays on which no Work is 

  (1) The following employees, when prevented 
from working by the occurrence of a holiday or 
other nonwork day falling within their regular 
tour of duty, are entitled to their regular pay 
for that day:

  (a) Full-time and part-time employees who 
occupy positions for which the compensation 
is required to be fixed on an annual or a 
monthly basis by 5 U.S.C. Chapter 53 or 
other law.

   (b) Regular per diem, per hour, or piecework 
basis employees who come within the purview 
of 5 U.S.C. 6104. Such employees are 
entitled to their regular pay on days on
which they perform no service because such 
days are (i) National holidays, (ii) 
Executive Order holidays, or (iii) days on
which they are excused from duty by
administrative order. To determine whether 
or not they are "regular" employees within 
the meaning of the 1938 statute, as 
amended, and therefore entitled to the same 
pay for those days as for days on which 
they perform an ordinary day's work, the 
Comptroller General has ruled (34 Comp. 
Gen. 235) that the following definition may 
be uniformly applied:

"Regular employees means those employees 
compensated at per diem, per hour, or piecework rates who have a regular tour of duty, and whose 
appointments are not limited to 90 days or less 
or who have been currently employed for a 
continuous period of 90 days under one or more 
appointments without a break in service."

   (2) Intermittent employees shall not be paid 
for holiday or other nonwork day on which they 
do no work. However, a provision for holiday 
pay in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 6104, may be 
incorporated in contracts with experts and 
consultants employed on a temporary basis for 
full-time, part-time, or intermittent service 
under the authority in 5 U.S.C. 3109.

    e.   Pay for Working on a Nonwork Day

A day may be established by administrative 
order as a nonwork day on other than a holiday. 
In the field service, such nonwork days will 
include days on which a field office is closed
by responsible administrative authority because
work may not properly be performed due to a 
local, State or Territorial holiday, or holi-
day in a foreign county. Employees required
to work on a non work day shall receive their
regular straight-time pay.

    f.    Nonpay Status before and after a Holiday
An employee in a nonpay status (leave-without-
pay or absent-without-leave) for both the 
workdays immediately before and after a holiday 
may not receive compensation for a holiday on 
which he/she performed no work since there is 
no presumption that he/she would have worked
on the holiday had it been a regular working 
day. (Comptroller General decisions B-187520,
February 22, 1977, B-186687, January 13, 1977,
and 9 Comptroller General 206 (1934)).


  a.   Authorization.  Agency proposals for
additional pay under this section shall be 
submitted to the Director of Personnel for 
prior approval.


   a.   Authorization.  Agency proposals for 
additional pay under this section shall be 
submitted to the Director of Personnel for 
prior approval.


  a.   Meat Inspection Work (FSIS)

   (1)   Authority.  Under authority vested in the 
Secretary of Agriculture by 7 U.S.C. 394, the 
following provisions (which modify or extend 
provisions otherwise applicable under 5 U.S.C.
55415549) shall govern the payment of premium 
pay to employees engaged in meat inspection work.

   (2)   Employee Coverage. Covered within the
scope of the above are all employees, other 
than full-time investigators of violations 
of Federal meat inspection laws, who are engaged
in the enforcement of the Meat Inspection Act 
and necessary auxiliary services, at any place 
where such services are performed.*

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* (3)   Pay Provisions of 7 U.S.C. 394. The 
employees covered under Subchapter 1-11a(2) of 
this Chapter shall be paid in accordance with the

     The provision pertaining to the limitation
     on premium compensation shall not be
     applicable. Further, employees who work 
     overtime between the hours of 6 p.m. and 
     6 a.m. shall receive additional 
     compensation of 10 percent of their basic 
     hourly rate for such night work in 
     addition to their overtime rate. Also, 
    the provisions pertaining to the ordering 
   or approving of overtime shall not be 

    (4)   Meaning of "Holiday". "Holiday" has the
    same meaning under these rules as it has in
    Executive Order 11582 and 5 U.S.C. 6103. The 
    provisions of that Order and the Code shall be 
    followed with respect to the observance of 

  b.   Quarantine Work Relating to Imports and
        Exports (APHIS)

  (1)   Authority.   Pursuant to the authority vested
in the Secretary of Agriculture by 7 U.S.C. 2260 
involving employees engaged in inspection and 
quarantine relating to imports into and exports
from the United States, the following provisions 
shall govern the payment of premium pay to the
defined group of employees.

  (2)   Employee coverage. Employees of the 
Department who come within the scope of the above 
section include employees who perform inspection 
and quarantine services and necessary auxiliary 
services relating to imports into and exports from 
the United States at any place where such services 
are performed. Only those employees engaged 
in inspection, treatment, testing, or 
certification of animals, animal products, birds, 
plants, and plant products in connection with 
their import into export from the United States 
are covered by 7 U.S.C. 2260.

   (3)   Premium Pay Provisions of 7 U.S.C. 2260
The employees covered under Subchapter 
1-11b(2) shall be paid at premium rates for 
overtime, night, or holiday work, as the case 
may be, in accordance with the provisions of 
5 U.S.C. 55441-5549, except provided in (a) 
through (e) below:

   (a)   Basic administrative workweek and
          limitation on premium pay. In computing
          the premium pay of these employees, no 
          consideration shall be given to the
          provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5541-5549

        regarding the basic administrative 
        workweek and the limitation on premium 

   (b) All overtime work on Sunday shall be 
        paid at twice the basic hourly rate of 

   (c)  Night differential. Night differential 
         shall be paid for all time worked at the 
         point of inspection during such 
         established hours of service that fall
         between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., including the 
         2-hour minimum period defined in 
        Subchapter 1-11b(3)(d) below, but 
        excluding any commuted travel time.

   (d) Two-hour minimum guarantee. Employees
         shall be paid at the appropriate premium 
         rate prescribed in these regulations for 
         the time on duty, which shall be 
         considered to be at least 2 hours in 
         duration in any period of overtime or 
         holiday work. However, the 2-hour 
         minimum shall not apply if the work is
         in continuation of the employee's regular 
         daily tour of duty or begins less than 
         1-hour before their regular daily 
         tour of duty.

     (e)  Authorization of commuted travel
           allowance. Each period of overtime or 
           holiday work may include a commuted 
           travel-time period (not to exceed 3 hours 
           if the inspection services are performed 
           in the metropolitan area in which their 
           headquarters office is located), for 
           which the employee shall be paid at the
           overtime rate as determined in Subchapter 
           1-11b(3) excluding (b). The amount of 
           commuted travel-time period allowed and 
           the circumstances under which it shall be 
           paid shall be prescribed in administra-
           tive instructions to be issued by the 
           head of agency concerned for the 
           ports, stations, and areas in which the 
           employees are located or the services 

     (4 )   Meaning of "Holiday". "Holiday" 
has the same meaning under these rules as 
it has in Executive Order 11582 and 5
U.S.C. 6103. The provisions of that Or-
der and of the Code shall be followed with 
respect to the observance of holidays.

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