Ohio State University Extension Bulletin OARDC logo
Ornamental Plants Annual Reports and Research Reviews 2003
Special Circular 193
January 2004

Edited By

James A. Chatfield
Erik A. Draper
Hannah M. Mathers
Pamela J. Bennett
David E. Dyke
Joseph F. Boggs
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Ohio State University Extension
Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
The Ohio State University


The following documents are PDFs. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

  1. Ohio State University Extension Nursery, Landscape, and Turf Team Directory: 2004
    Jack Kerrigan and Gary Y. Gao
  2. Floriculture Industry Roundtable of Ohio: 2004
    Charles T. Behnke and Claudio C. Pasian
  3. Ohio State University Extension 2003 Buckeye Yard and Garden Line Evaluation Survey
    Amy K. Stone and James A. Chatfield
  4. Weather and Environmental Problems of Ornamental Plants in Ohio: 2003
    Pamela J. Bennett
  5. Insect and Mite Activity Noted in Ohio Nurseries and Landscapes: 2003
    Joseph F. Boggs, Curtis E. Young, David J. Shetlar, Barbara Bloetscher; Amy K. Stone, David J. Goerig, Timothy J. Malinich, David E. Dyke, Erik A. Draper, Pamela J. Bennett, Gary Y. Gao, and James A. Chatfield
  6. Infectious Disease Problems of Ornamental Plants in Ohio: 2003
    James A. Chatfield, Nancy A. Taylor, Erik A. Draper, David E. Dyke, Gary Y. Gao, and Joseph F. Boggs
  7. Emerald Ash Borer: The Beginning of the End of Ash in North America?
    Daniel A. Herms, Amy K. Stone, and James A. Chatfield

    Emerald Ash Borer Diagnostic Check-Off List
    Joseph F. Boggs, Daniel A. Herms, and Amy K. Stone

  8. The Magnolia Scale: Biology and Management of a Key Pest of Magnolia
    Daniel A. Herms and David G. Nielsen
  9. Determination of Water Quality, Water Use Efficiency, and Water Runoff in Pot-in-Pot Nurseries
    Charles R. Krause, Heping Zhu, Randall H. Zondag, Martin Shipitalo, Keith A. Williams, Ross D. Brazee, Richard C. Derksen, Michael E. Reding, Tom Demaline
  10. Paclobutrazol-Soaked Ornamental Kale Seeds Produce Short Seedlings
    Claudio C. Pasian and Mark A. Bennett
  11. Herbicide Resistance: Development, Prevention, and Recognition
    Hannah M. Mathers
  12. Ohio State University Extension 2003 Herbaceous Ornamental Field Trial Results
    Pamela J. Bennett
  13. The Latest from the Midwest on Cuphea
    Monica Kmetz-González and Claudio C. Pasian
  14. Ohio State 2002-2003 Fall Pansy - Viola Trial Results
    Monica Kmetz-González and Claudio C. Pasian
  15. Results of Annual Plant Trial Gardens at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden and the Cincinnati Parks Department, Krohn Conservatory: 2003
    David E. Dyke
  16. IR-4 Ornamental Trials Conducted by USDA-ARS in Ohio: 2003
    Betsy A. Anderson, Michael E. Reding, Michael G. Klein, and Charles R. Krause
  17. Apple Scab on Crabapple at Secrest Arboretum: 2003
    James A. Chatfield, Erik A. Draper, and Kenneth D. Cochran
  18. How Do the Oregon and Ohio Hispanic Nursery Workforces Differ?
    Hannah M. Mathers
  19. Franklin County Extension Pesticide Survey, 2002
    Marilyn Golightly, Dorothy Pettenski, and Jane C. Martin
  20. Tree Selection for Survivability: Trees That You Should Know
    Kenneth D. Cochran
  21. 10 Crabapples to Know, Show, and Grow
    Erik A. Draper, James A. Chatfield, and Kenneth D. Cochran
  22. 20 Questions of Pruning
    Larry G. Steward
  23. The Power of the Triangle
    James A. Chatfield, Erik A. Draper, and Joseph F. Boggs
  24. The USDA Agricultural Research Service Research Weather Station Network in Northern Ohio Nurseries
    Ross D. Brazee, Keith A. Williams, David Lohnes, Richard C. Derksen, Heping Zhu, Randall H. Zondag, and Charles R. Krause
  25. Useful Horticultural References for Green Industry Professionals
    Gary Y. Gao and Pamela J. Bennett
  26. The Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum Learning Gardens in 2003
    Steven M. Still and Annette K. Duetz

Salaries and research support were provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension of The Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Additional grant support was provided by the organizations and companies listed in the individual research and Extension reports.

The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this publication is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the United States Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Service, The Ohio State University, or the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.

The information in this publication is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by The Ohio State University; the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; or Ohio State University Extension is implied. Due to constantly changing laws and regulations, no liability for the recommendations can be assumed.

All publications of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status.

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