Ohio State University Extension Bulletin

Pesticides and Groundwater Contamination

Bulletin 820

Dr. Acie C. Waldron
Pesticide Coordinator
Ohio Cooperative Extension Service
The Ohio State University

The author thanks Dr. William F. Lyon, professor, Dr. David J. Shetlar, assistant professor, Extension Entomology, and Thomas Camm, program assistant, Pesticide Applicator Training, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, The Ohio State University, for their helpful review and comments.

Information sources for this publication include the slide-tape presentation Protecting Groundwater, Cornell University; Fact Sheet No. 8, The Fate of Pesticides in the Environment and Groundwater Protection, Penn State University; the EXTOXNET publication Movement of Pesticides in the Environment, Michigan State University; and various other materials organized by the author for presentation at Pesticide Applicator Training Schools and professional meetings of agribusiness, commodity, and grower associations.

Copyright © The Ohio State University 1992

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Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Ag. Adm. and Director, OSU Extension.

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