Institute of Food Technologists
525 W. Van Buren, Ste. 1000
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312.782.8424
Fax: 312.782.8348


IFT is committed to creating meaningful, strategic volunteer opportunities for members to help us work towards our organizational mission - to advance the science of food. Workgroups are created periodically to work on mission-critical strategic activities for IFT. If you are interested in participating on a future workgroup, please fill out the volunteer interest form (login required) to submit your preferences.
Attention Workgroup Members
You must be logged in to view member-only content for your workgroup.

Advisory Panels

Task Forces


 To view a list of workgroup chairs, please click here.

Leadership Brochure (pdf)
2009-10 Nomination Form

Governance Documents
(please log in)
Constitution & Bylaws
Community Manuals  


IFT Annual Report
Summary of Accomplishments (pdf)