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Chisos Hop Hornbeam, Big Bend Hop Hornbeam
Ostrya chisosensis


Chisos hop hornbeam is an extremely rare tree found only in the Chisos Mountains of west Texas. It is larger than the knowlton hop hornbeam and also differs from it by having stalked glands on the leaves. The male flowers are enclosed in bracts or scales that have a sharp, rigid point.

Plant Habit or Use: small tree medium tree

Exposure: sun

Flower Color: reddish-brown

Blooming Period: spring

Fruit Characteristics: cone-like cluster of small nuts enclosed in bladder-like sacks, resembles hops. Caution! Contains stinging hairs.

Height: to 46 ft.

Width: to 30 ft.

Plant Character: deciduous

Heat Tolerance: high

Water Requirements: low

Soil Requirements: alkaline

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

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