Field Specialists Newsletters


2 the Point  - Aaron Saeugling
Crop Notes - Brian Lang
Crops Bulletin  -  Paul Kassel
Crop Connection - Mark Licht
Crop Happenings - John Holmes
Crop Notes - George Cummins
Crop Update Newsletters - Joel DeJong
East Central and South East Iowa Crop Updates - Jim Fawcett
East Central and South East Iowa Crop Updates - Virgil Schmitt
Field and Feedlot Newsletter
SW Iowa Crop Update - Kyle Jensen


Wine Growers News - Mike White


Dairy Situation and Outlook - Robert Tigner
ISU Extension View: News from ISU Extension to Iowa Dairy Producers
  -  Larry Tranel, Dale Thoreson, Chris Mondak
Field and Feedlot Newsletter

Farm Management

Crop Marketing Strategies - Steve Johnson



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