The National Agricultural Law Center
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Congressional Research
Service Reports

The Congressional Research Service is the public policy research arm of the United States Congress and solely serves Congress as a source of nonpartisan, objective analysis and research on all legislative issues. Through the Congress, the National Agricultural Law Center is periodically receiving CRS reports related to agriculture and food issues. New and updated reports will be posted here as they are obtained.

Recently, the CRS reports were updated and reorganized, with efficient research and easier topic identification as main goals. The reports were reclassified from the previous categories into new topics that more closely match and identify the subject of the report. Further division by multiple sub-topics in many of the categories will help specifically pinpoint topics relevant to individual areas of interest. However, it is important to note that many of the reports may fall into more than one category. For example, a report titled "Federal Food Assistance in Disasters" may have elements relevant to both the disaster assistance category and the food security and aid category. In those cases, the report was put into the category that seemed the most relevant to the overall subject of the paper. While every effort was made to ensure consistency, a careful researcher should exercise discretion and define the scope of research accordingly.

Note: Many of the CRS reports are updated regularly. If you have subjects or reports of particular interest, it is recommended that you check the entries periodically for updated versions.

Subject Index

Animal Agriculture
Budget and Appropriations
Disaster Impact and Assistance
Environmental Issues
Estate Planning and Taxation
Farm Bills
Farm Labor
Farm Policy and Legislative Analysis
Farm Commodity Programs
Federal Loan Programs
Finance and Credit
Food Safety
Food Security/Aid
International Agriculture
Public Lands
Rural Development
Security and Defense
Sustainable and Organic Farming
Trade Regulation and Antitrust

Animal Agriculture

General Issues

Animal Agriculture: Selected Issues for Congress (RS22526, Becker)
Livestock Feed Costs: Concerns and Options (RS22908, Becker)

Health Issues

Animal Drug User Fee Programs (Lister)
Avian Influenza in Poultry and Wild Birds (Monke & Corn)
Avian Influenza: Multiple Strains Cause Different Effects Worldwide (Monke)
BSE, or "Mad Cow Disease" in North America: A Chronology of Selected Events (Becker)
BSE, or "Mad Cow Disease": Current and Proposed Safeguards (Becker & Lister)
Foot and Mouth Disease: A Threat to U.S. Agriculture (Segarra & Rawson)
Funding Plant & Animal Health Emergencies: Transfers from the CCC (Monke)
Private Testing of Mad Cow Disease: Legal Issues (Vina)
Recent Honey Bee Colony Declines (Johnson)
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, Including "Mad Cow Disease": Public Health
& Scientific Issues
(Lister & Becker)
Virus-Serum-Toxin Act: A Brief History and Analysis (Monke)


Animal Welfare Act: Background and Selected Legislation (Becker)
Federal Animal Protection Statutes: Brief Summaries (Cohen)
Humane Treatment of Farm Animals: Overview and Issues (Becker)
Horse Slaughter Prevention Bills and Issues (Becker)


Animal Identification and Meat Traceability (Becker)
Animal Identification: Overview and Issues (Becker)


Animal Rendering: Economics and Policy (Becker)

Return to the CRS Reports index.


Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Legislation in the 109th Congress (Buck)
Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Legislation in the 110th Congress (Buck)
Open Ocean Aquaculture (Borgatti & Buck)


Ch. 12 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code: Reorganization of a Family Farmer or Fisherman (Jeweler)


Agricultural Biotechnology: Background and Recent Issues (Becker & Cowan)
Biosafety Protocol for Genetically Modified Organisms: An Overview (Segarra & Fletcher)
Biotechnology in Animal Agriculture: Status and Current Issues (Cowan & Becker)
Genetically Engineered Fish and Seafood (Bortatti & Buck)
Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods (Vogt)
StarLink Corn Controversy: Background (Segarra & Rawson)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Budget and Appropriations

Agriculture and FY2006 Budget Reconciliation (Chite)
Agriculture and Related Agencies: FY2008 Appropriations Monke)
Agriculture and Related Agencies: FY2007 Appropriations (Monke)
Agriculture and Related Agencies: FY2006 Appropriations (Monke)
Appropriations for FY2005: USDA and Related Agencies (Chite)
Assistance After Hurricanes and Other Disasters: FY2004-05 Supplemental Appropriations
(Bea & Chite)
Emergency Funding for Ag: A Brief History of Supplemental Appropriations FY1989-2005 (Chite)
Environmental Protection Agency: Highlights of the President's FY2007 Request (Bearden & Esworthy)
Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2007 (Davey, et al.)
Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2006 (Davey)
Federal R&D Funding Under a Continuing Resolution (Davey, et al.)
FY2006 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Monke)
FY2007 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Monke)
FY2008 Budget Request for the USDA (Monke)
FY2009 Budget Request for the USDA (Monke)
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies: FY2008 Appropriations (Vincent, et al.)
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies: FY2006 Appropriations (Vincent)
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies: FY2007 Appropriations (Vincent & Boren)
Return to the CRS Reports index.



Asian Soybean Rust: Background and Issues (Schnepf)
Background on Sugar Policy Issues (Jurenas) -- NEW
FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products: A Policy and Legal Analysis (Redhead & Burrows)
Hemp As an Agricultural Commodity (Rawson)
Specialty Crop Issues in the 109th Congress (Rawson)
Tobacco: Selected Legal Issues (Burrows)
U.S. Tobacco Production, Consumption and Export Trends (Womach)


Farm Product 'Check-off' Programs: A Constitutional Analysis (Vina)
Farmers' Markets: The USDA Role (Becker)
Federal Farm Promotion ("Check-Off") Programs (Becker)
High Agricultural Commodity Prices: What Are the Issues (Schnepf)
Livestock Marketing and Competition Issues (Becker)
Seafood Marketing: Combating Fraud and Deception (Buck)


CFTC Reauthorization in the 109th Congress (Jickling)
Proposed Transaction Fee on Futures Contracts (Jickling)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

Disaster Impact and Assistance

Agricultural Disaster Assistance (Chite)
Commercial Fishery Disaster Assistance (Upton)
Federal Disaster Recovery Programs: Brief Summaries (Jordan)
Federal Food Assistance in Disasters: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (Richardson)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Fishing and Aquaculture Industries -- Damage and Recovery (Buck)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Restoration (Zinn)
International Crises and Disasters: U.S. Humanitarian Assistance, Budget Trends, and
Issues for Congress
Midwest Floods of 2008: Potential Impact on Agriculture (Schnepf)
Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act: Provisions and Changes to Preexisting Law
(Lister & Gottron)
Ports in Louisiana: New Orleans, South Louisiana, and Baton Rouge (Cieslak)
U.S. Agriculture After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Status and Issues (Schnepf & Chite)
Return to the CRS Reports index.



Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: A Summary of Major Provisions (Sissine)
Energy Tax Policy: History and Current Issues (Lazzari)
Energy Use in Agriculture: Background and Issues (Schnepf)

Renewable Energy

Agriculture-Based Renewable Energy Production (Schnepf)
Biofuels Incentives: A Summary of Federal Programs (Yacobucci)
Biofuels Provisions in H.R. 3221 and H.R. 6: A Side-by-Side Comparison (Yacobucci)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 109th Congress (Sissine)
Ethanol and Biofuels: Agriculture, Infrastructure, and Market Constraints Related to
Expanded Production
(Yacobucci & Schnepf)
Ethanol and Other Biofuels: Potential for U.S.-Brazil Energy Cooperation (Seelke & Yacobucci)
European Union Biofuels Policy and Agriculture: An Overview (Schnepf)
Fuel Ethanol: Background and Public Policy Issues
Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget and Regulatory Issues (Sissine)
Selected Issues Related to an Expansion of the Renewable Fuel Standard (Yacobucci & Schnepf)
Waiver Authority Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) (Yacobucci)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

Environmental Issues


Environmental Laws: Summaries of Statutes Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Policy Act: Streamlining NEPA (Luther)
Natural Resources Policy: Management, Institutions and Issues (Vincent & Carter)
Natural Resources: Selected Issues for the 109th Congress (Carter & Vincent)
Overview of National Environmental Policy Act Requirements (Alexander)

Animal Agriculture

Air Quality Issues and Animal Agriculture: A Primer (Copeland)
Air Quality Issues and Animal Agriculture: EPA's Air Compliance Agreement (Copeland)
Animal Waste and Hazardous Substances: Current Laws and Legislative Issues (Copeland)
Animal Waste and Water Quality: EPA Regulation of CAFOs (Copeland)
Animal Waste and Water Quality: EPA's Response to the Waterkeeper Alliance (Copeland)

Climate Change

Agriculture and Forestry Provisions in Climate Change Legislation (S. 3036) (Johnson)
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) (Folger)
Carbon Cycle: Implications for Climate Change and Congress (Folger)
Climate Change: Role of the U.S. Agriculture Sector (Johnson)
Climate Change: Federal Laws and Policies Related to Greenhouse Gas Reductions (Yacobucci & Parker)
Climate Change: The Kyoto Protocol and International Actions (Fletcher & Parker)
Climate Change Legislation in the 110th Congress (Ramseur & Yacobucci)
Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Cap-and-Trade Bills in the 110th Congress (Parker & Yacobucci)
Measuring and Monitoring Carbon in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors (Gorte & Johnson)


2008 Farm Bill: Analysis of Tax-Related Conservation Reserve Program Proposals (Pettit)
Agricultural Conservation Programs: A Scorecard (Zinn & Cowan)
Conservation Provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill (Cowan & Johnson)
Conservation Reserve Program: Legal Analysis of Proposed Legislation to Change the Structure
and Taxation of Benefits Received
Conservation Reserve Program: Status and Current Issues (Cowan)
Conservation Reserve Program Payments: Self-Employment Income, Rental Income,
or Something Else?
Conservation Security Program in the 2002 Farm Bill (Johnson)
Conservation Security Program: Implementation & Current Issues (Cowan)
Debt-for-Nature Initiatives and the Tropical Forest Conservation Act (Sheikh)
Environmental Quality Incentives Program: Status and Issues (Canada & Zinn)
Farm Protection Program: Status and Current Issues (Johnson)
Land and Water Conservation Fund: Current Status and Issues (Zinn)
Land Conversion in the Northern Plains (Stubbs)
Land & Water Conservation Fund: Overview, Funding History, Current Issues (Vincent)
Mandatory Funding for Agriculture Conservation Programs (Zinn)
Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Managing Under the Endangered Species Act (Buck)
Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act: A Comparison of Pending Bills and a Proposed
Amendment with Current Law
(Sheikh et al.)
Resource Conservation Title of the 2002 Farm Bill: Comparison of New Law with Bills and
Prior Laws
Soil and Water Conservation: An Overview (Zinn)
South Florida Ecosystem Retoration and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
(Sheikh & Carter)
Technical Assistance for Agriculture Conservation (Stubbs)
Wetlands: An Overview of Issues (Zinn & Copeland)
Wilderness Laws: Permitted and Prohibited Uses (Gorte)


Air Quality: EPA's 2006 Changes to the Particulate Matter (PM) Standard (McCarthy)
Clean Air Act Issues in the 109th Congress (McCarthy)
Clean Air Act Issues in the 110th Congress: Implementation and Oversight (McCarthy)
Methyl Bromide and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (Morrissey)
Particulate Matter: Implementation of the 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (Esworthy)


Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources Activities: Authorization and Appropriations
(Carter & Hughes)
CALFED Bay-Delta Program: Overview of Institutional and Water Use Issues (Sheikh & Cody)
Clean Water Act: A Summary of the Law (Copeland)
Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Restoration: Recommended Corps Plan (Zinn)
Coastal Louisiana: Attempting to Restore an Ecosystem (Zinn)
Issues in Klamath River Dam Relicensing (Lane)
Klamath River Basin Issues and Activities: An Overview (Powers et al.)
Title XVI Water Reuse Program: Implementation and Legislative Issues (Cody & Carter)
Water Infrastructure Projects Designated in EPA Appropriations: Trends and Policy Implications
Water Quality Issues in the 110th Congress: Oversight and Implementation (Copeland)
Water Resources Development Act: Corps of Engineers Authorization Issues (Carter, et al.)
Water Resource Issues in the 109th Congress (Cody & Hughes)
Western Water Resource Issues (Cody & Sheikh)
Wetlands Coverage of the Clean Water Act Is Revisited by the Supreme Court: Rapanos v.
United States
(Meltz & Copeland)


Pesticide Law: A Summary of the Statutes (Schierow)
Pesticide Registration and Tolerance Fees: An Overview (Esworthy)
Pesticide Use and Water Quality: Are the Laws Complementary or in Conflict? (Copeland)


Endangered Species Act: A Primer (Baldwin, et al.)
Endangered Species Act and "Sound Science" (Buck & Corn)
Endangered Species Act in the 109th Congress: Conflicting Values and Difficult Choices (Buck & Corn)
Endangered Species Act in the 110th Congress: Conflicting Calues and Difficult Choices (Buck, et al.)
Global Climate Change and Wildlife (Scheikh, et al.)
Invasive Non-Native Species: Background and Issues for Congress (Corn, et al.)
Multinational Species Conservation Fund (Sheikh & Corn)
Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Managing Under the Endangered Species Act (Buck)
Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act: A Comparison of Pending Bills and a
Proposed Amendment with Current Law
(Sheikh et al.)
Wilderness: Overview and Statistics (Gorte)
Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program: Status and Current Issues (Stubbs & Zinn)

Other Issues

Civil Works Program of the Army Corps of Engineers: A Primer (Carter & Cody)
Drought in the United States: Causes and Issues for Congress (Folger, et al.)
Managing Regional Growth: Is There a Role for Congress? (Zinn)
Marine Protected Areas: An Overview (Zinn & Buck)
Precision Ag and Site-Specific Management: Current Status and Emerging Policy Issues (Cowan)
Precision Agriculture: a Primer (Cowan)
Survey of Recent State Policies to Manage Growth and Protect Open Space (Zinn)

Return to the CRS Reports index.


U.S. Farm Economy (Schnepf)

Estate Planning and Taxation

Asset Distribution of Taxable Estates: An Analysis (Maguire)
Calculating Estate Tax Liability: 2001-2011 and Beyond
Capital Gains Taxes: An Overview (Gravelle)
Economic Issues Surrounding the Estate and Gift Tax: A Brief Summary (Gravelle)
Estate Taxes and Family Businesses: Economic Issues (Gravelle & Maguire)
Estate and Gift Taxes: Economic Issues (Gravelle & Maguire)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Farm Bills

2002 Farm Bill: Comparison of Commodity Support Provisions with the House and Senate Proposals
2002 Farm Bill: Overview and Status (Womach)
2002 Farm Law at a Glance (Becker)
2008 Farm Bill: Major Provisions and Legislative Actions (Johnson, et al.)
2008 Farm Bill: Analysis of Tax-Related Conservation Reserve Program Proposals (Pettit) -- NEW
Agricultural Exports and the 2007 Farm Bill (Hanrahan)
Agricultural Export Provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill (Hanrahan)
Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education: Farm Bill Issues (Rawson)
Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension in the 2007 Farm Bill (Rawson)
Animal Agriculture: 2007 Farm Bill Issues
Biofuels in the 2007 Energy and Farm Bills: A Side-by-Side Comparison (Yacobucci & Schnepf)
Comparison of the House and Senate 2007 Farm Bills (Johnson, et al.)
Conservation and the 2007 Farm Bill (Zinn)
Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance in the 2008 Farm Bill -- NEW (Chite)
Dairy Policy and the 2008 Farm Bill (Chite) -- Updated
Domestic Food Assistance: The Farm Bill and Other Legislation in the 110th Congress (Richardson) -- NEW
Energy Provisions of the Farm Bill: Comparison of the New Law with Previous Law
and House and Senate Bills
Environmental Services Markets: Farm Bill Proposals (Johnson)
Exposure of U.S. Farm Policy to Challenge Under WTO Rules: A Powerpoint Summary
(Schnepf & Womach)
Farm Bill Budget and Costs: 2002 vs. 2007 (Chite)
Farm Bill Proposals and Legislative Action in the 110th Congress (Johnson)
Farm Bill Trade and Food Aid Provisions (Becker)
Farm Commodity Programs in the 2008 Farm Bill (Monke)
Farm Legislation and Taxes in the 110th Congress (Brumbaugh)
Forestry in the 2007 Farm Bill (Gorte)
Food Stamps and Nutrition Programs in the 2002 Farm Bill (Richardson)
Funding Levels for Conservation Programs in the 2007 Farm Bill (Zinn)
The House-Passed 2007 Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) at a Glance (Johnson, et al.)
International Food Aid and the 2007 Farm Bill (Hanrahan)
Legal Analysis of the Conservation Easement Tax Credit in the Senate Version of H.R. 2419
(Alexander & Lundser)
A New Farm Bill: Comparing the 2002 Law with Previous Law and House and Senate Bills (Jones)
Possible Expiration (or Extension)of the 2002 Farm Bill (Monke, et al.) -- NEW
Previewing a 2007 Farm Bill (Womach)
Renewable Energy Policy in the 2008 Farm Bill (Schnepf) -- NEW
Rural Development and the 2007 Farm Bill (Cowan)
Specialty Crops: 2007 Farm Bill Issues (Rawson)
Specialty Crops: 2008 Farm Bill Issues (Rawson)
Sugar Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill (Jurenas)
What Is the "Farm Bill"? (Johnson)
What Is a Farm Bill? (Jones)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Farm Labor


Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006: Potential Labor Market Effects of the Guest
Worker Program
The Effects of U.S. Farm Workers on an Agricultural Guest Worker Program (Levine)
Farm Labor Shortages and Immigration Policy (Levine)
Immigration of Foreign Workers: Labor Market Tests and Protections (Wasem)
Immigration: Policy Considerations Related to Guest Worker Programs (Bruno)
Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 109th Congress (Bruno, et al.)
Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress (Bruno, et al.)
Unauthorized Employment in the United States: Issues and Options (Bruno)
U.S. Immigration Policy on Temporary Admissions (Wasem & Haddal)

General & Social Welfare

Farm Labor: The Adverse Effect Wage Rate (Whittaker)
Labor Practices in the Meat Packing and Poultry Processing Industry: An Overview (Whittaker)
Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers: Protective Statutes (Whittaker)
Trade Promotion Authority Renewal: Core Labor Standards Issues: A Brief Overview (Bolle)
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)/Fast-Track Renewal: Labor Issues (Bolle)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

Farm Policy and Legislative Analysis

109th Congress

Agricultural Issues in the 109th Congress (Chite)
Latin America and the Caribbean: Issues for the 109th Congress (Sullivan et al.)

110th Congress

Agricultural Issues in the 110th Congress (Chite)
Latin America and the Caribbean: Issues for the 110th Congress (Sullivan, et al.)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

Farm Commodity Programs

Average Farm Subsidy Payments by State, 2002 (Womach)
Comparing Quota Buyout Payments for Peanuts and Tobacco (Womach)
Cotton Production and Support in the U.S. (Womach)
Dairy Policy Issues (Chite)
Eliminating the Planting Restrictions on Fruits and Vegetables in the Farm Commodity Programs
(Johnson & Monke)
Farm Commodity Legislation: Chronology 1933-2002 (Becker)
Farm Commodity Policy: Programs and Issues for Congress (Monke)
Farm "Counter-Cyclical Assistance" (Becker & Womach)
Farm and Food Support Under USDA's Section 32 Program (Becker)
Farm Commodity Policy: Base Acreage and Planting Flexibility (Monke)
Farm Commodity Programs: A Short Primer (Becker)
Farm Commodity Programs: Direct Payments, Counter-Cyclical Payments, and Marketing Loans
Farm Commodity Programs: Honey (Canada)
Farm Commodity Programs: Wool and Mohair (Canada)
Fruits, Vegetables, and Other Specialty Crops: A Primer on Government Programs (Rawson)
High Agricultural Commodity Prices: What Are the Issues (Schnepf)
Livestock Price Reporting: Background (Becker)
Marketing Loans, Loan Deficiency Payments and Commodity Certificates (Monke)
Measuring Equity in Farm Support Levels (Womach & Schnepf)
Payment Limits for Farm Commodity Programs: Issues and Proposals (Monke)
Peanut Program: Evolution from Supply Management to Market Orientation (Jurenas)
Price Determination in Agricultural Commodity Markets: A Primer (Schnepf)
Sugar Policy Issues (Jurenas)
Tobacco Farmer Assistance (Womach)
Tobacco Price Support: An Overview of the Program (Womach)
Tobacco Quota Buyout (Womach)
Tobacco-Related Programs and Activities of the USDA: Operation and Cost (Womach)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Federal Loan Programs

The Pigford Case: USDA Settlement of a Discrimination Suit by Black Farmers
(Feder & Cowan)

Finance and Credit

Agricultural Credit: Farm Bill Issues (Monke)
Conservation Reserve Payments and Self-Employment Taxes (Morris)
Farm Credit Services of America Ends Attempt to Leave the Farm Credit System (Monke)
Farm Credit System (Monke)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Food Safety

BSE ("Mad Cow Disease"): A Brief Overview (Becker)
Dietary Supplements: Legislative and Regulatory Status (Porter)
FDA Fast Track and Priority Review Programs (Thaul)
FDA's Authority to Recall Products (Burrows)
FDA Authority to Regulate On-Farm Activity (Burrows)
Federal Food Safety System: A Primer (Becker & Porter)
Federal Regulation of Substances Generally Recognied As Safe (GRAS) and the Use of Carbon Monoxide
in Packaging for Meat and Fish
(Burrows & Brougher)
Food Labeling: Allergy Information (Porter)
Food Safety on the Farm: Federal Programs and Selected Proposals (Becker)
Food Safety Provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill (Becker)
Food Safety: Provisions in the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (Porter)
Food Safety: Federal and State Response to the Spinache E. coli Outbreak (Porter & Lister)
Food Safety: National Uniformity for Food Act (Porter)
Food Safety: Oversight and Current Issues (Becker)
Food Safety Issues in the 109th Congress (Vogt)
Food Safety: Selected Issues and Bills in the 110th Congress (Becker)
Health and Safety Concerns Over U.S. Imports of Chinese Products: An Overview (Morrison)
Meat and Poultry Inspection: Background and Selected Issues (Becker)
Nutrition Labeling: Fresh Meats (Porter)
Pesticide Residue Regulation: Analysis of Food Quality Protection Act Implementation (Schierow)
Regulation of Plant-Based Pharmaceuticals (Becker & Vogt)
Seafood Safety: Background and Issues (Becker & Upton)
State-Inspected Meat and Poultry: Issues for Congress (Becker)
USDA Meat Inspection and the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (Becker)
USDA's Authority to Recall Meat and Poultry Products (Brougher & Becker)
U.S. Food and Agricultural Imports: Safeguards and Selected Issues (Becker)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Food Security/ Aid

Food Security

Food Price Inflation: Causes and Impacts (Capehart & Richardson)

Domestic Aid Programs

Charitable Contribution of Food Inventory: Proposals for Change (Talley & Jackson)
Child Nutrition and WIC Programs: Background and Recent Funding (Richardson)
Child Nutrition and WIC Legislation in the 108th and 109th Congresses (Richardson)
Child Nutrition and WIC Programs: Background and Recent Funding (Richardson)
Domestic Food Assistance: Legislative Issues in the 110th Congress (Richardson)
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (Perl)
Older Americans Act Nutrition Program (O'Shaughnessy)
State Policies on Immigrant Eligibility for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)(Wasem)
TANF Block Grant: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions (Falk)
TANF: A Guide to the New Definitions of What Counts as Work Participation (Falk)
TANF Cash Benefits as of January 1, 2004 (Walters et al.)
TANF Reauthorization: Side-by-Side Comparison of Current Law and Two Versions of H.R. 4
(108th Congress)
(Burke & Falk)
TANF Reauthorization: Side-by-Side Comparison of Current Law, S. 667, and H.R. 240
(TANF Provisions)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant: A Primer on TANF Financing and
Federal Requirements
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant: FY2007 Budget Proposals (Falk)

International Aid Programs

Agricultural Export and Food Aid Programs (Hanrahan)
Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust: Background and Current Issues (Hanrahan)
Foreign Aid Reform: Issues for Congress and Policy Options (Veiliette)
Haiti: Legislative Responses to the Food Crisis and Related Development Challenges
(Seelke & Hornbeck)
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami: Food Aid Needs and the U.S. Response (Hanrahan)
International Disasters and Humanitarian Assistance: U.S. Governmental Response (Margesson)
International Food Aid Provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill (Hanrahan)
Iraq: Oil-For-Food Program, Illicit Trade, and Investigations (Katzman & Blanchard)
Restructuring U.S. Foreign Aid: Role of the Director of Foreign Assistance (Nowels & Veillette)
Rising Food Prices and Global Food Needs: U.S. Response (Hanrahan)
U.S. Assistance to North Korea: Fact Sheet (Manyin)
U.S. Foreign Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean (Veillete)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

International Agriculture

Production Issues

Agriculture in Afghanistan and Neighboring Asian Countries (Jurenas)
Brazil's Agricultural Production and Exports: Selected Data (Hanrahan)
Caribbean Region: Issues in U.S. Relations (Sullivan)
International Wine Market: Description and Selected Issues (Schnepf)
Iraq Agriculture and Food Supply: Background and Issues (Schnepf)
Iraq's Agriculture: Background and Status (Schnepf)

Trade Issues

Agriculture: U.S.-China Trade Issues (Becker & Hanrahan)
Avian Flu Pandemic: Potential Impact of Trade Disruptions (Langton)
Child Labor in West African Cocoa Production: Issues and U.S. Policy (Salaam-Blyther, et al.)
China's Trade with the United States and the World (Lum & Nanto)
China-U.S. Trade Issues (Morrison)
Country-of-Origin Labeling for Foods (Becker)
Country-of-Origin Labeling for Foods (Becker)
Europe's New Trade Agenda (Ahearn)
Food and Agricultural Imports from China (Becker)
Foreign Countries' Response to the Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus: Current Status (Chanlett-Avery)
Generalized System of Preferences Renewal: Agricultural Imports (Johnson)
Generalized System of Preferences (Cooper)
Genetically Engineered Soybeans: Acceptance and Intellectual Property Rights Issues in South America
International Efforts to Control the Spread of the Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus: Affected Countries'
(Chanlett-Avery, et al.)
Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress (Chanlett-Avery)
Mad Cow Disease and U.S. Beef Trade (Hanrahan & Becker)
Panama: Political and Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations (Sullivan & Olhero)
Russia's Accession to the WTO (Cooper)
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Concerns in Agricultural Trade (Becker)
Textile and Apparel Trade Issues (Gelb)
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers (Becker)
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms: Economic, Program, and Policy Issues (Hornbeck)
Trade Capacity Building: Foreign Assistance for Trade and Development (Langton)
Trade Promotion Authority: Issues, Options, and Prospects for Renewal (Hornbeck & Cooper)
United States-Canada Trade and Economic Relationship: Prospects and Challenges (Fergusson)
U.S. Agricultural Biotechnology in Global Markets: An Introduction (Becker & Hanrahan)
U.S. International Trade: Trends and Forecasts (Nanto, et al.)
U.S.-Japan Economic Relations: Significance, Prospects, and Policy Options (Cooper)
U.S.-Latin America Trade: Recent Trends (Hornbeck)
U.S.-Russia Meat and Poultry Trade Issues (Becker)
U.S.-South Korea Beef Disputes: Negotiations and Status (Jurenas)
U.S. Trade Situation for Fruit and Vegetable Products (Johnson)
U.S. Trade with Developing Countries: Trends, Prospects, and Policy Implications (Cooper)
U.S. Trade Statutes: Expiration Dates and Mandated Periodic Reports to Congress (Bolle, et al.)
Vietnam PNTR Status and WTO Accession: Issues and Implications for the U.S. (Manyin & Cooper)
WTO Doha Round: Implications for U.S. Agriculture (Schnepf & Hanrahan)


Agricultural Export Subsidies, Export Credits and the WTO (Canada & Hanrahan)
Agricultural Support Mechanisms in the EU: A Comparison with the U.S. (Becker)
Agricultural Trade in the Free Trade Area of the Americas (Jurenas)
Agriculture and Fast Track or Trade Promotion Authority (Becker & Hanrahan)
Agriculture in U.S. Free Trade Agreements: Trade with Current and Prospective Partners, Impacts,
and Issues
Agriculture in the US-Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (Jurenas)
Agriculture in the WHO Doha Round: Framework Agreement and Next Steps (Hanrahan)
Agriculture in the WTO: Limits on Domestic Support (Schnepf)
Agriculture in the WTO: Member Spending on Domestic Support (Schnepf)
Agriculture in the WTO: Policy Commitments Made Under the Agreement on Agriculture (Schnepf)
Agriculture in WTO Negotiations (Hanrahan)
Andean-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Negotiations (Villarreal)
Brazilian Trade Policy and the United States (Hornbeck)
Central American and the Dominican Republic in Context of the Free Trade Agreement with U.S.
(Storrs et al.)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES):
Background and Issues
(Sheikh & Corn)
Dietary Supplements: International Standards and Trade Agreements (Porter)
Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: An Overview (Grimmett)
Doha Development Agenda: WTO Framework Agreement (Fergusson, et al.)
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) (Hornbeck)
EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude (Cooper)
European Union-U.S. Trade and Investment Relations: Key Issues (Ahearn, et al.)
Free Trade Agreements: Impact on U.S. Trade and Implications for U.S. Trade Policy (Cooper)
Free Trade Area of the Americas: Major Policy Issues and Status of Negotiations (Hornbeck)
Generalized System of Preferences: Background and Renewal Debate (Jones)
Geographical Indications and WTO Negotiations (Hanrahan)
Green Payments in U.S. and European Union Ag Policy (Johnson & Hanrahan)
Immigration Issues in Trade Agreements (Wasem & Haddal)
Implementing International Agreements on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):
Proposed Amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act
India-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations (Martin, et al.)
Japan's Free Trade Agreement Program (Ahearn)
Mercosur: Evolution and Implications for U.S. Trade Policy (Hornbeck)
Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status for Russia and U.S.-Russian Economic Ties (Cooper)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Fact Sheet on Three International Agreements (Schierow)
Peru Trade Promotion Agreement: Labor Issues (Villarreal & Bolle)
Potential Challenges to U.S. Farm Subsidies in the WTO: A Brief Overview (Schnepf & Womach)
Potential Challenges to U.S. Farm Subsidies in the WTO (Schnepf & Womach)
Proposed South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (Cooper & Manyin)
Proposed U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (Villarreal)
Proposed U.S.-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (Nanto)
Proposed U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement (Bolle)
Proposed U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement (Hornbeck)
Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: Provisions and Implications (Cooper, et al.)
Trade Agreements: Impact on the U.S. Economy (Jackson)
Trade Negotiations During the 110th Congress (Fergusson)
Trade Preferences for Developing Countries and the WTO (Grimmett)
Trade Promotion Authority and Fast-Track Negotiating Authority for Trade Agreements:
Major Votes
U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Provisions and Implications (Cooper)
U.S. Agricultural Trade: Trends, Composition, Direction, and Policy (Hanrahan, et al.)
U.S.-Southern African Customs Union Free Trade Agreement: Background and Potential Issues
U.S.-Peru Economic Relations and the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (Villarreal)
U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (Villarreal)
U.S.-Thailand Free Trade Agreement Negotiations (Ahearn & Morrison)
U.S.-Vietnam Relations: Background and Issues for Congress (Manyin)
U.S. Trade Policy and the Caribbean: From Trade Preferences to Free Trade Agreements (Hornbeck)
Why Certain Trade Agreements Are Approved as Congressional-Executive Agreements
Rather Than as Treaties
World Trade Organization: Background and Issues (Fergusson)
WTO Negotiations: The Doha Development Agenda (Fergusson)
The World Trade Organization: The Hong Kong Ministerial (Fergusson)
World Trade Organization (WTO): Issues in the Debate on U.S. Participation (Fergusson & Sek)
WTO Doha Round: Agricultural Negotiating Proposals (Hanrahan & Schnepf)
WTO Decisions and Their Effect in U.S. Law (Grimmett)
WTO Compliance Status of the Conservation Security Program and the Conservation Reserve Program


African Cotton Initiative and WTO Agriculture Negotiations (Hanrahan)
Agricultural Biotechnology: The U.S.-EU Dispute (Johnson & Hanrahan)
Background on the U.S.-Brazil WTO Cotton Subsidy Dispute (Schnepf)
Brazil's and Canada's WTO Cases Against U.S. Agricultural Support (Schnepf)
Brazil's WTO Case Against U.S. Agricultural Support: A Brief Overview (Schnepf)
Brazil's WTO Case Against the U.S. Cotton Program: A Brief Overview (Schnepf)
Canada's WTO Case Against U.S. Agricultural Support: A Brief Overview (Schnepf)
Canada's WTO Case Against U.S. Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS) (Schnepf)
Dispute Settlement Under the Proposed U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (Grimmett)
European Union's Ban on Hormore-Treated Meat (Hanrahan)
Trade Conflict and the U.S.-European Union Econom Relationship (Ahearn)
Trade Remedies: A Primer (Jones)
Trade Remedies and Agriculture (Becker & Hanrahan)
Trade Remedies: "New Shipper" Reviews (Jones)
Trade Remedy Legislation: Applying Countervailing Action to Nonmarket Economy Countries (Jones)
U.S.-Canada Wheat Trade Dispute (Schnepf)
U.S.-Canada WTO Corn Trade Dispute (Schnepf)
U.S.-EU Banana Dispute (Hanrahan)
WTO Dispute Settlement: Status of U.S. Compliance in Pending Cases (Grimmett)


Cuba: Issues for the 110th Congress (Sullivan)
Cuba: Issues for the 109th Congress (Sullivan)
Economic Sanctions and U.S. Agricultural Exports (Jurenas)
WTO: Antidumping Issues in the Doha Development Agenda (Jones)

Return to the CRS Reports index.

Public Lands

Federal Land Ownership: Current Acquisition and Disposal Authority (Gorte & Vincent)
Federal Lands Managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service: Issues for the
110th Congress
(Gorte, et al.)
Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Vincent)
Federal Land Management Agencies: Background on Land and Resources Mgmt (Vincent)
Forestry Assistance Programs (Gorte)
Grazing Fees: An Overview and Current Issues (Vincent)
Grazing Regulations: Changes by the Bureau of Land Management (Vincent)
National Forest System Roadless Area Initiatives (Alexander & Gorte)
National Park Management (Vincent & Gorte)
Proposals to Merge the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management: Issues and Approaches
Recreation on Federal Lands (Calvert & Johnson)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Rural Development

Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension: Issues and Background (Rawson)
Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs (Kruger & Gilroy)
Broadband Internet Regulation and Access: Background and Issues (Gilroy & Kruger)
Broadband Loan and Grant Programs in the USDA's Rural Utilities Service (Kruger)
California's San Joaquin Valley: A Region in Transition (Cowan) (3.8 MB)
Changing Structure of Ag and Rural America: Emerging Opportunities & Challenges (Cowan)
Community Services Block Grants (CSBG): Funding and Reauthorization (Spar)
Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities Program: Overview of Rounds I, II and III (Mulock)
Federally Supported Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Programs
Military Base Closure: Socioeconomic Impacts (Cowan & Webel)
Overview of the Administration's Strengthening America's Communities Initiative (Boyd, et al.)
Overview of USDA Rural Development Programs (Cowan)
Rural Education and the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) (Apling)
Rural Housing: USDA Disaster Relief Provisions (Foote)
Rural Water Supply and Sewer Systems: Background Information (Copeland)
USDA Rural Housing Programs: An Overview (Foote)
Value-Added Agricultural Enterprises in Rural Development Strategies (Cowan)
Water Infrastructure Needs and Investment: Review and Analysis of Key Issues (Copeland & Tiemann)
Return to the CRS Reports index.

Security and Defense

Agroterrorism: Threats and Preparedness (Monke)
Berry Amendment: Requiring Defense Procurement to Come from Domestic Sources
National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility: Issues for Congress (Shea, et al.)

Sustainable and Organic Farming

Harvey v. Veneman and the National Organic Program: A Legal Analysis (Vina)
Organic Agriculture in the United States: Program and Policy Issues (Rawson) -- NEW

Trade Regulation and Antitrust

General Overview of U.S. Antitrust Law (Rubin)
Merger and Antitrust Issues in Ag: Statutes and Agencies (Heykoop)
Monopoly and Monopolization -- Fundamental But Separate Concepts in U.S. Antitrust Law (Rubin)


Agriculture As a Source of Barge Demand on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (Schnepf)
Grain Transport: Modal Trends and Infrastructure Implications (Frittelli)
Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Navigation Expansion: An Agricultural Transportation
and Environmental Context
Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Investments: Legislation in the 109th Congress (Carter)
Return to the CRS Reports index.


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