The National Agricultural Law Center
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Upcoming Events in the Agricultural
and Food Law Communities

All are welcome to submit announcements of upcoming events of interest to the agricultural law and food law communities for posting here. Please forward announcements to and attach fliers, brochures, and registration information that can be linked from your announcement.

Pure Farms, Pure Waters - National CAFO Summit

Janury 12-44, 2009 in New Bern, North Carolina, sponsored by Waterkeeper Alliance and North Carolina Waterkeepers. Click here> for more information.

18th Annual Practical Tools and Solutions for Sustaining Farmily Farms Conference

Janury 21-24, 2009 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, sponsored by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group. Click here for more information.

Grocery Manufacturers Association's Annual 2009 Food Claims & Litigation Conference: Emerging Issues in Food-Related Litigation

February 24-26, 2009 at Rancho Las Palmas in Rancho Mirge, California. Click here for more information.


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