The National Agricultural Law Center
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Contact Information

  • Address:
    The National Agricultural Law Center
    University of Arkansas School of Law
    107 Waterman Hall
    Fayetteville, AR 72701
  • Phone: (479) 575-7646
  • Fax: (479) 575-5830
  • E-Mail:

      Key Contacts

      Center Bi-Monthly eNewsletter

For two decades it has been an integral part of the Center's mission to make researching and understanding the myriad issues that face the agricultural and food law communities of this nation and the world as effortless as possible. The purpose of our eNewsletter is to inform our subscribers of new research and information posted on our website, apprise them of important events occurring within the agricultural and food law communities, keep them informed of agricultural and food law developments in the nation and the world, and to foster a dialogue between our subscribers and the Center on needed areas for research and information.

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