Year of Science Question of the Month: If you could be any type of scientist, what kind would you be and why?

Posted on January 7th, 2009 - 10:30 AM

For each month in 2009, the Year Of Science, we will pose a question related to science. Please let us know your thoughts as comments. Feel free to respond to earlier comments or post new ideas.

Ponder. Observe and discover. We are all born scientists, naturally curious to figure out more about the world around us: how we affect the environment, and how the environment affects us.
2009 is the Year Of Science.

If you could be any type of scientist, what kind would you be and why?


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10 Responses to “Year of Science Question of the Month: If you could be any type of scientist, what kind would you be and why?”

  1. Christina Weigel Says:

    Hard question, because I would love to study a bit of everything. But in order of my love: 1. primatologist, 2. marine biologist, 3. anthropologist


  2. joseph Says:

    i would be a zoologist because i love animals. We are all similar to an animal in our own way and should conserve them rather than hunt them.


  3. Charles Says:

    Good question! Hmm, I don’t know if I’m scientist material. I love science and science stories, I watch NOVA, I buy science magazines for airplane reading, I adore Brian Greene. I even saw Jane Goodall speak once.

    Science was my favorite subject in grade school. I studied marine biology and loved it, but I think more because I’m curious rather than investigative. I don’t have good enough head for research or analysis. But I still love science stories and information.


  4. Jason Says:

    Cultural Anthropologist - why - the study of past and current cultures is fascinating to me.


  5. Linda Says:

    Thank goodness, I got the chance several years ago to answer that question for real. I decided to become an environmental biologist since it offers real chances to effect positive change in the world around us, requires study of a wide variety of sciences instead of specialization in only one (I like to study a little bit of everything too), and offers the possibility of employment at the 4-year degree level instead of after obtaining a Masters or Doctorate.


  6. Shipman Says:

    I could never be a scientist, because I am awful at math — which essentially rules me out. That being said, if I were to drink magic math juice that would allow me to do statistical analysis, etc., I would probably be either a toxicologist or work in the area of exposure assessment — or both. I find risk assessment to be fairly fascinating.

    Of course I would have said marine biologist, but I married one and I know how little they make. :)


    Dr. Dale reply on January 7, 2009 2:12 pm:

    Oh I don’t know Shipman, math was not my favorite subject and I managed to get a PhD in ecology and evolution without drinking any magic math juice! Perseverance, dedication and a love of science can be magical in their own way!


  7. Lenita Says:

    I would be a environmental building scientist (if such a title exists).

    Why? Because we need to improve our buildings and make them more energy efficient . Buildings account for more than 40% of total energy consumption in the US. We need more people to help reduce the negative impact that buildings have on our environment!



  8. Marge Says:



  9. Josephine M. Rakow, D.O. Says:

    My husband and I are retired physicians. He also has an MPH degree. I believe that there is a real need for knowledgable persons to study scientific articles, read information provided by industry(frequently biased because they are trying to market a product), examine information provided by the grassroots and then “connect the dots” so to speak so that there is correlation between the 3 sources and unbiased decisions can be published.


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