Happy New Year—of Science

Posted on January 7th, 2009 - 11:30 AM

official photo of Kevin TeichmanAbout the Author: Dr. Kevin Teichman is the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science in EPA’s Office of Research and Development, where he helps coordinate EPA’s research program. Dr. Teichman has BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering, and lives in Derwood, Maryland where he and his wife Marsha are proud “empty nesters.”

This year, once again, I resolved not to watch so much football and not to put on extra pounds doing so. I also resolved to take an active part in EPA’s Year of Science 2009. Now that I have broken my first resolution, I am even more resolved to keep my second resolution, and I need your help.
EPA is partnering with the Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science to support the Year of Science 2009 (YOS). This is a national, year-long celebration of science that will shine the spotlight on how science works, who scientists are, and why science matters. Activities and events will be led by a wide variety of scientific organizations, and I’m proud to say that EPA is one of them.

Each month will be organized around a specific theme, starting in January with the “Process and Nature of Science.” Given EPA’s world-class science and technology in support of our mission to protect human health and the environment, we’re looking forward to sharing real-world stories of EPA “Science in Action.”

Also, be sure to mark your calendars for EPA-sponsored activities during May. We’re taking the lead in organizing events and awards in support of the YOS theme of “Sustainability and the Environment,” because sustainability is an important topic across EPA. I plan to keep my New Year’s resolution by actively participating in May, and throughout the year. Please join me!

For more details about YOS, keep an eye on EPA’s Science Wednesdays, where you’ll find actionable information each month. Also, take a look at the site developed by the Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science, YearOfScience2009.org, to learn more about how you can get involved.

I can already tell it’s going to be a Happy New Year—of Science.

Be sure to check out our Year of Science Question of the Month, What kind of a scientist would you like to be?

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2 Responses to “Happy New Year—of Science”

  1. JJ Says:

    Scientists are commies. Irving Kristol told me so:

    [The] New Class is not easily defined, but may be vaguely described. It consists of a goodly proportion of those college educated people whose skills and vocations proliferate in a ‘post-industrial society’… We are talking about scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their career in the expanding public sector, city planners and the staffs of the larger foundations and upper levels of the government bureaucracy, and so on…

    … they are acting upon a hidden agenda: to propel the nation from that modified version of capitalism we call ‘the welfare state’ toward an economic system so stringently regulated in detail as to fulfil many of the traditional anti-capitalist aspirations of the Left.


  2. Charles Says:

    “Scientists are commies”? Child, McCarthy commie boogeyman witch hunts were discredited over half a century ago - at least in America.


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