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NIH Record News Briefs

Orioles Tickets Go on Sale, Mar. 25

The R&W has season tickets to the Baltimore Orioles baseball games that go on sale Thursday, Mar. 25 at 8 a.m. in Bldg. 31, outside the R&W gift shop at Rm. B1W30. They are sold in three different sets for each game. Field boxes are $58 for two, and $88 for four. Terrace boxes are $44 for two. All prices include a service charge. If you have a particular game in mind, arrive early. You may purchase one set of tickets the first time through the line; after 1 p.m. you may come back through for additional sets. You must have your R&W card with you. There are Orioles special ticket prices of $14.50 for the following series: June 25, 26, 27 (New York Yankees); Apr. 8 (Tampa), July 18 (N.Y. Mets); Sept. 4 (Cleveland) and Oct. 3 (Boston).

The annual Orioles Bullpen Party is Saturday, July 24 at 4 p.m. vs. the Anaheim Angels. Tickets include getting into the game early, a picnic in the bullpen area, food and drink. Ticket prices are yet to be determined, but mark your calendar now.

OD EEO Advisory Committee Sponsors 'Respect' Campaign

Using the slogan "Respect — Give It to Get It!," the Office of the Director equal employment opportunity advisory committee has initiated a campaign to promote the importance of respect in the workplace. This campaign includes prominent speakers, briefing sessions with OD managers, training on issues identified by OD employees and improved communications through the committee newsletter, Now Is the Hour.

The committee is composed of representatives from the various OD components. Each November, the group spends a day in a planning session to identify goals for the coming year. Formal approval of the plan is given by NIH deputy director Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein. OD employees should contact their representative with any ideas or questions. Committee representatives include Marcia Doniger, OCPL; Tom Shih, OSP; Michael Chew, OEO; Michele Russell-Einhorn and Patricia Austin, OER; Suzanne Moore, OIR; Margaret Griffin-Young, OTT; Joyce Laplante, OHRM; Sylvia Bennett and Dexter Collins, OFM; Nelson Rodriquez, ex officio; Tammy Luke, OA/OMA; Sherley Mizzell, OA/OCM; Hannah Stachmus and David Rhoads, OA/OLM; Wanda Russell and Debbie Washington, OA/OPM; and Linda Payne, OPC.

Mfume To Speak on Respect, Mar. 30

On Tuesday, Mar. 30 at noon in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10, Kweisi Mfume will speak on gaining the respect of colleagues and coworkers. His message will include the responsibility of each employee to alter his/her paradigm and take advantages of opportunities for self-improvement. Mfume is the current president of the NAACP and former congressional representative from Baltimore. His appearance is sponsored by the Office of the Director equal employment opportunity advisory committee. Using the slogan "Respect — Give It to Get It!" the committee has initiated a campaign on the importance of respect in the workplace.

All NIH employees are invited. The event also will be video-conferenced to Executive Plaza North/Conf. Rm. G. For reasonable accommodation, contact the OD EEO office at 402-4157.

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series — held on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 — features Dr. Timothy J. Richmond on Mar. 31; he will discuss "Chromatin Crystallography: The 2.0 Angstrom X-ray Structure of the Nucleosome Core." He is professor, Institut fuer Molekularbiologie und Biophysik, ETH, Zurich.

On Apr. 7, Dr. Leonard P. Guarente, professor, department of biology, MIT, will speak on "Molecular Analysis of Aging."

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, 594-5595.

NIH Marks Sleep Awareness Day, Mar. 31

You probably know that eating right and getting regular physical activity is important to your health. But what about sleep? Getting enough restful sleep in each 24-hour period is as essential to your overall health as diet and exercise.

Find out more about sleep — how much you need, the consequences of not getting enough, and some of the common sleep disorders — at an open house sponsored by NHLBI's National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (NCSDR) on Wednesday, Mar. 31 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Clinical Center lobby. The open house is part of the National Sleep Awareness Week observance, Mar. 29 - Apr. 2, when the National Sleep Foundation and more than 75 other organizations across the country join to promote greater understanding of sleep and sleep disorders. The NIH observance will feature representatives of NCSDR and other institutes who will answer your questions and provide literature on multiple aspects of sleep and sleep disorders.

For more information, call the NHLBI Communications Office, 496-4236.

See the Wizards vs. Magic, Mar. 31

R&W has tickets to the basketball game between the Washington Wizards and the Orlando Magic on Wednesday, Mar. 31 at 7 p.m. Tickets are only $11 each, and there is a limited supply. You must be an R&W member to buy tickets. Call 496-4600.

Garden Club Discusses Orchids, Apr. 1

Dan Paterak will present an "Introduction to the Orchid World" at the next NIH Garden Club meeting, Thursday, Apr. 1 from noon to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 31, Conf. Rm. 7. He is an orchid curator at Hillwood Museum and Gardens in Washington, D.C. (Hillwood is the former estate of Marjorie Merriweather Post) and has been growing orchids for 45 years. The meeting is open to all. Check the Garden Club Web site:

Tae Kwon Do Beginner's Class

The NIH Tae Kwon Do Club is offering a beginner's class for adults starting Monday, Apr. 5. The class will meet in the Malone Center (Bldg. 31C, B4 level, next to the NIH Fitness Center) for 1 hour on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-7 p.m., and continue for 2 or 3 months until participants can be integrated into the regular club training. Dues $40 (3 months), $30 uniform. Interested persons are welcome to watch regular training sessions. For information call Lawrence Prograis, Jr., 496-1886 or Andrew Schwartz, 402-5197.

Symposium on Membrane Transporters, Drug Therapy

In concert with the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, NIGMS, NCI and NIDDK are cosponsoring a meeting, "Membrane Transporters and Drug Therapy," to be held Apr. 8-10 in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. Participants will discuss structural, physiologic, genetic/genomic and pharmaceutical aspects of membrane transporters, as well as the role of these proteins in drug discovery, development and therapy. The lead-off speaker is former NIH'er Dr. H. Ronald Kaback; other presenters include current NIH researchers Dr. Suresh Ambudkar, Dr. Susan Bates and Dr. Robert Guy, along with other leaders in the field from academia and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The program chairs are Dr. Wolfgang Sadee (UCSF), Dr. Gordon Amidon (University of Michigan) and Dr. Peter Preusch (NIGMS). The meeting is free to all NIH employees. Visit the Web page at for registration information and more details.

NIH, FDA Sponsor Conference, Apr. 15-16

A multidisciplinary international conference, "Biomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints: Advancing Clinical Research and Applications," cosponsored by NIH and the Food and Drug Administration, will be held at the Natcher conference center Apr. 15-16. Keynote speakers will be NIH director Dr. Harold Varmus, FDA commissioner Dr. Jane Henney and Dr. John Niblack, executive vice president, Pfizer, Inc. For more information contact Saundra Bromberg, (301) 468-6004, ext. 406; or see; or email

Alling Memorial Service Planned, Apr. 16

A memorial service in honor of the late Dr. David W. Alling, Clinical Center biostatistician, is scheduled for Friday, Apr. 16 at 3:30 p.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10. Alling died in January of respiratory failure. His service to NIH spanned 40 years. All are welcome to attend the service. For more information, contact Dee Koziol, 496-2209.

Atlantic City Day Trip, Apr. 17

The R&W is sponsoring a day trip to Atlantic City on Saturday, Apr. 17, for $25 per person. Check-in time is 6:45 a.m. at the Bldg. 31 C-wing entrance. The bus leaves at 7 a.m. sharp and will arrive at the Resort Casino at 11 a.m. At 5 p.m., the bus leaves the casino, arriving back at NIH around 9 p.m.

APAO Seeks Award Nominations by Apr. 23

The NIH Asian/Pacific American Organization (APAO) seeks nominations from NIH employees for its 1999 Outstanding Achievements and Scholarship Awards. Recipients will be honored in the evening program of the NIH Annual Asian/Pacific Americans Heritage Program on May 28. The award categories are as follows:

  1. For significant accomplishments in advancing NIH/IC's EEO goals

  2. For significant accomplishments in scientific research or administrative work

  3. A scholarship of $1,000 to an outstanding college-bound student. Total family yearly income will be considered.

Nominations for categories I and II should be in the form of letters of recommendation citing the nominee's records and accomplishments. Nominations are open to all NIH employees; one nomination for each letter of recommendation. Nominations can be made by anyone in the NIH community. Nominations for category III can be made by either the parent(s) of a student or by the student. The scholarship award is for a student of AP origin or for children of APAO members.

For instructions on how to apply, contact Dr. Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava, Executive Plaza North, Rm. 609, 496-2378. Nominations for the awards should be sent to her as well; closing date is Apr. 23. Recipients will be notified in mid-May.

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