NIOSH Publication No. 2000-126

Behavioral and Organizational Dimensions of Underground Mine Fires

May 2000

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How do people behave when they are trying to get out of a fire? Are escape activities different in each incident, or will most actions be predictable across events? Do persons make the same sorts of decisions whether they are responding as individuals or as group members? Because the social costs of fire-related deaths and injuries are likely to continue to rise, societal pressure for greater safety will also undoubtedly increase. There are, therefore, compelling reasons to further our understanding of action in fires. If human behavior in fire is studied scientifically and predicted according to some well-defined principles, the benefits will be significant. Design engineers could incorporate real-world findings into their plans. Equipment manufacturers could gain from insights into how their technology is actually used in fire emergencies. Safety personnel would have a better appreciation of what constitutes adequate evacuation procedures. Trainers could upgrade the content of their courses that teach escape skills. The result would be an overall improvement in the quality of fire preparedness and safety.

Author(s):Vaught-C, Brnich-MJ, Mallett-LG, Cole-HP, Wiehagen-WJ, Conti-RS, Kowalski-KM, Litton-CD
Reference:Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIOSH, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2000-126, Information Circular 9450, 2000 May :1-240

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division