NIOSHTIC-2 No. 10012296

Ranking Factors Impacting Survival During Coal Mine Fires


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This study ranks the factors impacting survival during a coal mine fire. It has already been established that reducing time delays is themost important factor in saving lives. Consequently.every event during a fire ismeasured in terms of its duration, and the effectiveness of any action taken to improve survival is measured in terms of the time it saves. By ranking actions according to time saved. these authors found that a combination of actions was most effective. This combination was: installing lifelines; moderately decreasing air leakage; and decreasing the fire growth rate. Changing ventilation leakage alone was much less effective, as was altering the CO (carbon monoxide) sensor alarm threshold. These results confirm an earlier fault-tree study on escape from mine fires. The fault-tree study had shown that, with the exception of delays, single-factor changes have minimal impact. Significant reductions in fire fatalities only take place with multiple-factor changes.

Author(s):Kissell-FN, Timko-RJ, Litton-CD
Reference:Min Eng 1993 Aug 45(8):1077-1083

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division