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Barricading Makes a Comeback?

November 1997

Although MSHA still mandates instruction in barricading, greater emphasis is now placed on teaching miners to use SCSRs proficiently and to be knowledgeable about their escape routes. Only recently has at least one mine operator begun to revisit barricading as an alternative to escape. Due to the unique pitch of the coal seam at this mine, escaping the mine on foot would require significant time, energy, and oxygen. Therefore, mine personnel constructed barricade chambers in crosscuts in the mains and between the longwall panels. NIOSH researchers worked with mine personnel to develop a simulated decision-making exercise to teach workers about barricading.

Author(s):Brnich-MJ, Vaught-C
Reference:Holmes Saf Assn Bull 1997 Nov. Falls Church, VA: U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration; :14 (PDF, 1020 KB)

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division