NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20021423

Impact of Control Parameters on Shearer-Generated Dust Levels

February 2002

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Previous research on continuous mining operations has shown that significant interactions exist between dust-control parameter application and the resulting respirable dust levels. However, simply increasing the level of the controls does not guarantee a reduction in respirable dust levels. Full-scale laboratory tests are being conducted to provide information to longwall operators that would assist them in selecting control parameters to reduce dust levels for mine-specific conditions. The interactions between face air velocity, shearer water quantity, drum water spray pressure, external water spray pressure and spray system design were evaluated in a simulated 2.13-m (7-ft) coal seam for two cutting directions. Locations around and downwind of the shearer were monitored to evaluate relative changes in respirable dust levels as a function of each control parameter.

Author(s):Rider-JP, Colinet-JF, Prokop-AE
Reference:Trans Soc Min Metal Explor 2002 Feb 312: 28-34

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division