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April 19, 2008

Medicine Collection Day in Milwaukee

On Saturday, April 19, the Milwaukee Metro Sewerage District Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer conducted its third annual Medicine Collection Day (A prescription for clean water & safe kids) to collect and safely dispose of medicines in Milwaukee, Racine, Ozaukee, and Washington counties. The organizers said, "This will be our first truly regional Medicine Collection Day to help protect Lake Michigan, prevent childhood poisonings, and reduce substance abuse."

cars lined up outside a sports stadium to drop off medications
Cars line up to drop off medicine

taking a bag of medications out of the trunk of  a car
Bags of medicines being dropped off

A bag of pills that was dropped off at the event

Photos courtesy of Susan Boehme


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I just received preliminary numbers from collection sponsor MMSD. Two tons of uncontrolled medicines were collected at the Miller Park event alone -- double what has been collected at MMSD's previous unwanted meds collections.

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