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NIH Record Study Subjects Sought

Postmenopausal Women Sought

The Cardiology Branch, NHLBI, is recruiting postmenopausal women with a history of elevated cholesterol for a study comparing estrogen and L-arginine. Participants must be in good general health and not be taking any medication, hormone replacements or vitamins for 2 months prior to study. Volunteers will be paid. For more information call Londa Hathaway, 435-4038.

Women Needed for NICHD Study

NICHD's Developmental Endocrinology Branch is seeking healthy female volunteers for endometrial biopsy. Women must be under age 35 and have had at least one child. Compensation provided. If interested, call Dr. Rhonda Hearns, 402-0851.

Moody Teens Sought

You and your 14-16-year-old may be eligible to take part in research at the National Institute of Mental Health. This is a study about how young people experience emotions, and how bad moods can cause problems. Payment will be provided. For details, call Barbara Usher, 496-1301.

Female Volunteers Needed

The Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, NIMH, is seeking female volunteers ages 18-45 to participate in a 6-month study of the effects of reproductive hormones on measures of cerebral activity and blood flow. Volunteers must have regular menstrual cycles with no changes in mood in relationship to menses, be free of medical illnesses and not taking any hormones or medication on a regular basis. They will complete daily rating forms and be asked to participate in studies of cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Payment will be in accordance with the duration of each visit and the type of protocol. For more information, call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, 496-9576.

Otitis Vaccine Needs Volunteers

NIDCD is recruiting 40 volunteers between the ages of 18-35 for a phase 1 trial of a vaccine to prevent middle ear infections commonly seen in childhood. Volunteers need to have a healthy immune system without chronic disease or respiratory problems. Participants will be paid. Call Suzanne at 496-7491 for details.

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