
Entire STRI Bibliography

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Anker, Arthur, Hurt, Carla and Knowlton, Nancy. 2008. Revision of the Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850 complex, with redescription of A-formosus and description of a new species from the tropical western Atlantic (Crustacea : Decapoda : Alpheidae). Zootaxa (1707): 1-22.
Anker, Arthur, Hurt, Carla and Knowlton, Nancy. 2008. Revision of the Alpheus websteri Kingsley, 1880 species complex (Crustacea : Decapoda : Alpheidae), with revalidation of A. arenensis (Chace, 1937). Zootaxa (1694): 51-68.
Baeza, J. Antonio and Anker, Arthur. 2008. Lysmata hochi n. sp., a new hermaphroditic shrimp from the Southwestern Caribbean Sea (Caridea: Hippolytidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 28(1): 148-155.
Baeza, J. Antonio, Reitz, Jennifer M. and Collin, Rachel. 2008. Protandric simultaneous hermaphroditism and sex ratio in Lysmata nayaritensis Wicksten, 2000 (Decapoda: Caridea). Journal of Natural History 41(45-48): 2843-2850.
Baltzer, Jennifer L., Davies, Stuart James, Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh and Noor, Md. Nur Supardi. 2008. The role of desiccation tolerance in determining tree species distributions along the Malay–Thai Peninsula. Functional Ecology Online.
Barthold, Frauke K., Stallard, Robert F. and Elsenbeer, Helmut. 2008. Soil nutrient–landscape relationships in a lowland tropical rainforest in Panama. Forest Ecology and Management 255(3-4): 1135-1148.
Basset, Yves. 2008. Ecologia globale: interazioni insetto/pianta nelle foreste pluviali tropicali [Global ecology: insect-plant interactions in tropical rainforests]. In: G. Curletti and E. Giacobino (Ed.), Insecta, scienza e arte tra forme e colori. Cataloghi del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino: 42-46. Torino: Eventi & Progetti.
Blum, Michael J. 2008. Ecological and genetic associations across a Heliconius hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21(1): 330-341.
Bravo, Adriana, Harms, Kyle E., Stevens, Richard D. and Emmons, Louise H. 2008. Collpas: Activity Hotspots for Frugivorous Bats (Phyllostomidae) in the Peruvian Amazon. Biotropica 0(0???-???).
Brenes-Arguedas, Tania, Coley, Phyllis D. and Kursar, Thomas A. 2008. Divergence and diversity in the defensive ecology of Inga at two Neotropical sites. Journal of Ecology 96(1): 127–135.
Chave, Jerome, Condit, Richard S., Muller-Ladau, Helene C., Thomas, Sean C., Ashton, Peter S., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Co, Leonardo L., Dattaraja, Handanakere S., Davies, Stuart J., Esufali, Shameema, Ewango, Corneille E.N., Feeley, Kenneth J., Foster, Robin B., Gunatilleke, Nimal, Gunatilleke, Savitri, Hall, Pamela, Hart, Terese B., Hernandez, Consuelo, Hubbell, Stephen P., Itoh, Akira, Kiratiprayoon, Somboon, LaFrankie, James V., Loo de Lao, Suzanne, Makana, Jean-Remy, Noor, Md. Nur Supardi, Kassim, Abdul Rahman, Samper, Cristian, Sukumar., Sureh, Hebbalalu S., Tan, Sylvester, Thompson, Jill, Tongco, Maria Dolores C., Valencia, Renato, Vallejo, Martha Isabel, Villa, Gorky, Yamakura, Takuo, Zimmerman, Jess K. and Losos, Elizabeth C. 2008. Assessing evidence for a pervasive alteration in tropical tree communities. Plos Biology 6(3): e45.
Combosch, David J., Guzman, Hector M., Schuhmacher, Helmut and Vollmer, Steven V. 2008. Interspecific hybridization and restricted trans-Pacific gene flow in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Pocillopora. Molecular Ecology 17(5): 1304-1312.
Craig, Matthew T., Eble, Jeff A., Bowen, Brian W. and Robertson, D. Ross. 2008. High genetic connectivity across the Indian and Pacific oceans in the reef fish Myripristis berndti (Holocentridae). Molecular Ecology : 245–254.
Crofoot, Margaret C., Gilby, Ian C., Wikelski, Martin C. and Kays, Roland W. 2008. Interaction location outweighs the competitive advantage of numerical superiority in Cebus capucinus intergroup contests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(2): 577-581.
De Grave, S., Cai, Y. and Anker, Arthur. 2008. Global diversity of shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 287-293.
Descampe, A., Meskens, C., Pasteels, J., Windsor, Donald M. and Hance, T. 2008. Potential and realized feeding niches of neotropical hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae : Cassidinae, Cephaloleiini). Environmental Entomology 37(1): 224-229.
Feeley, Kenneth J., Davies, Stuart James, Ashton, Peter S., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Kassim, Abdul Rahman, Tan, Sylvester and Chave, Jerome. 2008. The role of gap phase processes in the biomass dynamics of tropical forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B Online.
Ferraz, Goncalo, Marinelli, Carlos E. and Lovejoy, Thomas E. 2008. Biological monitoring in the Amazon: Recent progress and future needs. Biotropica 40(1): 7-10.
Floeter, S.R., Rocha, Luiz A., Robertson, D. Ross, Joyeux, J.C., Smith-Vaniz, W.F., Edwards, A.J., Barreiros, J.P., Ferreira, C.E.L., Gasparini, Joao Luiz, Brito, A., Falcon, J.M., Bowen, Brian W. and Bernardi, Giacome. 2008. Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution. Journal of Biogeography 35(1): 22-47.
Glynn, Peter William, Colley, S.B., Mate T., Juan L., Cortes, J., Guzman, Hector M., Bailey, R. L., Feingold, J. S. and Enochs, I. C. 2008. Reproductive ecology of the azooxanthellate coral Tubastraea coccinea in the equatorial eastern pacific: Part V. Dendrophylliidae. Marine Biology 153(4): 529-544.
Hall, Jefferson S. 2008. Seed and seedling survival of African mahogany (Entandrophragma spp.) in the Central African Republic: Implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 255(2): 292-299.
Heckadon Moreno, Stanley. 2008. Recuerdos del naturalista Watson M. Perrygo sobre Panamá, 1946-1953. Épocas (Tercera Era) 23(3): 10-11.
Hurlbert, Allen H., Ballantyne, Ford and Powell, Scott. 2008. Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants. Ecological Entomology 33(1): 144–154..
Jansen, Patrick A., Bohlman, Stephanie A., Garzon-Lopez, Carol X., Olff, Han, Mueller-Landau, Helene C. and Wright, S. Joseph. 2008. Large-scale spatial variation in palm fruit abundance across a tropical moist forest estimated from high-resolution aerial photographs. Ecography Online.
Johnson, Kenneth G., Jackson, Jeremy B. C. and Budd, Ann F. 2008. Caribbean Reef Development Was Independent of Coral Diversity over 28 Million Years. Science 319(5869): 1521-1523.
Kaspari, Michael, Garcia, Milton N., Harms, Kyle Edward, Santana, Mirna, Wright, S. Joseph and Yavitt, Joseph B. 2008. Multiple nutrients limit litterfall and decomposition in a tropical forest. Ecology Letters 11(1): 35-43.
Lasso de Paulis, Eloisa. 2008. The importance of setting the right genetic distance threshold for identification of clones using amplified fragment length polymorphism: a case study with five species in the tropical plant genus Piper. Molecular Ecology Resources 8(1): 74-82.
Laurance, William F. 2008. Adopt a forest. Biotropica 40(1): 3-6.
Laurance, William F. 2008. Global warming and amphibian extinctions in eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 33(1): 1-9.
Laurance, William F., Fay, J. Michael, Parnell, Richard J., Sounguet, Guy-Philippe, Formia, Angela and Lee, Michelle E. 2008. Does rainforest logging threaten marine turtles?. Oryx 42:00:00(2): 1-6.
Laurance, William F. and Goosem, Miriam. 2008. Impacts of habitat fragmentation and linear clearings on Australian rainforest biota. In: N. E. Stork and S. M. Turton (Ed.), Living in a Dynamic Tropical Forest Landscape: 295-306. London: Blackwell Scientific.
Laurance, William F. and Goosem, Miriam. 2008. International perspective: Conservation research in the Australian wet tropics. In: N. E. Stork and S. M. Turton (Ed.), Living in a Dynamic Tropical Forest Landscape: 357-360. London: Blackwell Scientific.
Laurance, William F., Wang, Guangyu, Innes, John L., Wu, Sara W., Dai, Shuanyou and Lei, Jiafu. 2008. The need to cut China's illegal timber imports. Science 319(5867): 1184b-1185.
Leather, Simon R., Basset, Yves and Hawkins, Bradford A. 2008. Insect conservation: finding the way forward. Insect Conservation and Diversity Online.
Meskens, Christophe, Windsor, Donald M. and Hance, Thierry. 2008. A comparison of hispine beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) associated with three orders of monocot host plants in lowland Panama. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 27(3/4): 159-171.
Metz, Margaret R., Comita, Liza S., Chen, Yu-Yun and Nordena, Natalia. 2008. Temporal and spatial variability in seedling dynamics: a cross-site comparison in four lowland tropical forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 24(1): 9-18.
Meyer, Christoph F.J., Frund, Jochen, Lizano, Willy Pineda and Kalko, Elisabeth K. V. 2008. Ecological correlates of vulnerability to fragmentation in Neotropical bats. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(1): 381-391.
Meyer, Christoph F.J. and Kalko, Elisabeth K.V. 2008. Bat assemblages on Neotropical land-bridge islands: nested subsets and null model analyses of species co-occurrence patterns. Diversity and Distributions Online.
Missa, Oliver, Basset, Yves, Alonso, Alfonso, Miller, Scott E., Curletti, Gianfranco, De Meyer, Marc, Eardley, Connal, Mansell, Mervyn W. and Wagner, Thomas. 2008. Monitoring arthropods in a tropical landscape: relative effects of sampling methods and habitat types on trap catches. Journal of Insect Conservation Online.
Niven, Jeremy E. 2008. Brains, islands and evolution: breaking all the rules. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 22(2): 57-59.
Niven, Jeremy E. 2008. Evolution: Convergent eye losses in fishy circumstances. Current Biology 18(1): 27-29.
Niven, Jeremy E. 2008. Response to Kohler et al.: Impossible arguments about possible species?. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 23(1): 8-9.
Niven, Jeremy E., Graham, Christopher M. and Burrows, Malcolm. 2008. Diversity and evolution of the insect ventral nerve cord. Annual Review of Entomology 53: 253–271.
Paine, C.E. Timothy, Harms, Kyle E., Schnitzer, Stefan A. and Carson, Walter P. 2008. Weak competition among tropical tree seedlings: Implications for species coexistence. Biotropica Online.
Potvin, Catherine and Gotelli, Nicholas J. 2008. Biodiversity enhances individual performance but does not affect survivorship in tropical trees. Ecology Letters 11(3): 217-223.
Puebla, Oscar, Bermingham, Eldredge and Guichard, Frederic. 2008. Population genetic analyses of Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes provide evidence that local processes are operating during the early stages of marine adaptive radiations. Molecular ecology 17(6): 1405-1415.
Remigio, E.A. and Duda, Jr., Thomas F. 2008. Evolution of ecological specialization and venom of a predatory marine gastropod. Molecular Ecology 17(4): 1156-1162.
Robertson, D. Ross and Smith-Vaniz, William F. 2008. Rotenone: An essential but demonized tool for assessing marine fish diversity. BioScience 58(2): 165-170.
Russo, Sabrina E., Brown, Patrick, Tan, Sylvester and Davies, Stuart James. 2008. Interspecific demographic trade-offs and soil-related habitat associations of tree species along resource gradients. Journal of Ecology 96(1): 192-203.
Sakai, Shoko and Wright, S. Joseph. 2008. Reproductive ecology of 21 coexisting Psychotria species (Rubiaceae): when is heterostyly lost?. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93(1): 125-134.

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