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Earth Team Volunteer “Lights-up” Lawrence County, Illinois

NRCS Earth Team volunteer Jim Osborn (left) explains his energy-saving technology to a Lawrence County Business and Home Show participant

Jim Osborn has taken conservation to another level with his participation in the Lawrence County Energy Conservation Project. As an Earth team volunteer with the Wabash Valley Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) office headquartered in Lawrenceville, Jim, an independent contractor, offers his expertise to the RC&D Council’s energy conservation project which aims to reduce energy usage through lighting upgrades, geothermal systems, pressure diagnostics technology, and weatherization. Using pressure diagnostics equipment to detect cracks or breaks in home siding or insulation, Jim has performed 42 free onsite energy usage “check ups” to date. He recommends measures that home and business owners can take to lower their utility costs and conserve energy.

winter storm on Lake Michigan's Illinois shore

Visit the NRCS Illinois Web site.

Jim, who is the son of Lloyd Osborn, Soil Conservation Technician in the Lawrenceville Service Center, has volunteered 300 hours to the project since 2003, helping with planning, grant proposal development, and project implementation. In addition to testing homes and businesses, Jim actively participates in the Lawrence County Business and Home Show explaining the techniques he uses for the Energy Conservation Project. Jim also participates as a speaker in project workshops and staffs displays at events throughout the county to educate community members of the project and its benefits.

Project participants receive two free fluorescent bulbs to replace incandescent bulbs so they can realize immediate savings. Following the check up, Wabash Valley RC&D pays up to $50 to install the recommended energy conservation treatments. To date, 16 incentive payments have been made, and eight re-checks to evaluate after-treatment energy savings have been completed or scheduled.

The Wabash Valley RC&D Council offers technical and financial assistance to communities in Clark, Crawford, Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, and Wayne Counties to address social, economic, and environmental concerns; use natural resources wisely; and improve their quality of life. Volunteer community leaders make up the Council, and NRCS provides staff to facilitate Council efforts.
Your contacts are Betty Joubert, NRCS Wabash Valley RC&D coordinator, at 618-943-2621, ext. 4, or betty.joubert@il.usda.gov and Mary Hess, NRCS Illinois Earth Team volunteer coordinator, at 618-993-5396, or mary.hess@il.usda.gov.