United States Department of Agriculture
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NRCS This Week

Outdoor Classroom Gets Earth Team Help

Choogie Kingfisher of Tahlequah teaches a lesson on Cherokee Nation Indian culture showing fourth-graders artifacts characteristic of tribal culture and lifestyle

NRCS Earth Team volunteers and NRCS Caney Valley Conservation District staff pitched in to make the tenth annual Outdoor Classroom, held earlier this year in Washington County, Oklahoma, a success. During the two-day event in Sooner Park, 412 fourth-grade students moved through nine learning stations that included lessons on trees, the master gardener program, Oklahoma’s agricultural produce, water quality, fire safety, stream biota, basket weaving, Cherokee Nation Indian culture, and a wildlife station where Terry Whittaker of the U.S. Fish and

oklahoma dust bowl era photo

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Wildlife Service brought his pet boa constrictor for the children to see. Earth Team volunteers helped by moving the school children from station to station and supplying them with drinks.
Your contact is Jasper T. Parker, acting NRCS public affairs specialist, at 405-742-1243, or jasper.parker@ok.usda.gov.