United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Cardinal in pine boughs.  NRCS image.Audubon, NRCS Launch Backyard Conservation Website

You know where you live, but do you know your “ecological address?” Audubon At Home, a new program made possible in part by NRCS, is bringing conservation home through an exciting, interactive website designed to give visitors useful information on making their backyards more bird-friendly, and their homes healthier and safer for their families. It accomplishes this by helping users identify the natural characteristics of their property and its role in local ecology.

As the centerpiece of this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), Audubon is stressing the value of backyard habitat and asks participants to make their yards not only bird-friendly, but also bird-safe. The new Audubon At Home website contains a treasure trove of information that gives users the tools they need to create backyards that will attract birds and safeguard them as well.

“Each yard, no matter the size, has the potential to help birds,” said Sally Conyne, Director of the GBBC. “By providing just a few necessities, your home landscape will attract birds, beneficial insects, and other wildlife. You’ll be rewarded with a low-maintenance yard bustling with the variety of colors and textures you would find in far wilder places.” To find out more, visit www.audubon.org.

Story courtesy of Audubon Newswire.