Education (SWAT Workshops)

Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory and Blackland Research Center cosponsor three-day workshops periodically. The SWAT development team also collaborates with other agencies/firms to set up workshops outside of Texas.

The focus and length of these workshops will vary depending on the goals of the agencies involved. Registration for workshops outside of Texas are handled by the collaborating agency.

Home Education

Workshop Dates

2/23-2/24/2009 Beginner SWAT, College Station, TX (Registration)
2/25/2009 Advanced Data Processing for ArcSWAT (Registration)
2/26-2/27/2009 Advanced SWAT, College Station, TX (Registration)

Beginner Workshops

Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory and Blackland Research Center cosponsor three-day workshops periodically. These workshops are designed to introduce new users to the model, review necessary and optional inputs, and familiarize the user with the ArcGIS interfaces.

It is assumed that attendees have a working knowledge of ArcGIS. The three-day workshop will not review basic concepts on ArcGIS usage prior to covering the SWAT/ArcGIS interface. To register for a workshop, please fill out and submit a registration form.

Workshop fees are $500 (US dollars) per person. Graduate students pay a reduced fee of $300. Payment is required at the time of registration.

Detailed information about the location of the workshop will be sent to attendees 4-8 weeks prior to the date of the workshop.

Advanced Workshops

This course will cover sensitivity analysis, model calibration, and uncertainty analysis using the 2005 version of SWAT with an ArcGIS interface. In addition, day three of the course will be devoted to discussion of participant's individual model issues (e.g. model setup, scenarios, calibration, and validation). Cost for the two-day training is $500 per person / $300 for students.

Advanced Workshop using BASINS-SWAT are held in College Station, TX, USA and are based on individual projects using datasets including calibration and validation.