Farm pictures
Farm Bll

Explore the development of the farm bill, including Dr. Daryll Ray's testimonies before Congress, and other papers and presentations concerning farm bill analysis and proposals. All presentations are in a pdf file format. If alternate viewing or downloading options are available, links are provided with each title.

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Addressing Domestic and International Farm Problems
A presentation at North Dakota Farmers Union Goard of Governors, Jamestown, North DakotaLink to Addressing Domestic and International Farm Problems PowerPoint Presentation
Daryll E. Ray
February 11, 2004

Overview of the 2002 Farm Bill
A presentation at SAMAB Fall Conference, Gatlinburg TN
Kelly Tiller and Daryll Ray

November 5, 2002

The New Farm Bills: A Pattern for the Future?
Presented at a Seminar, North Dakota State University
Daryll E. Ray
October 30, 2002

Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
A presentation at TN Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Knoxville, TN
Daryll E. Ray
October 25, 2002

Food and Agricultural Policies of the United States
Proceedings of the Symposia Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association in Chicago, Illinois
Daryll E. Ray
Published May 2002 based on papers from August 2001.

Farmland Conservation: Agricultural Policy Considerations
A presentation at the Land Trust Alliance Southeast Program
Kelly Tiller
May 11, 2002

Link to Farmland Conservation: Agricultural Policy Considerations PowerPoint presentation 

1996 Farm Bill: A Pattern for Future Legislation or Failed Experiment
Paper presented at the 2002 Farm Bill: Issues and Alternatives Conference
Daryll E. Ray
October 29-30, 2001

Link to 1996 Farm Bill: A Pattern for Future Legislation or Failed Experiment word file Link to 1996 Farm Bill: A Pattern for Future Legislation or Failed Experiment PowerPoint file

Economic Climate for the Farm Bill Debate - Fixing the Farm Bill
Paper presented to The National Press Club, Washington DC
Daryll E. Ray
March 27, 2001

  Link to Economic Climate for the Farm Bill Debate - Fixing the Farm Bill word file Link to Economic Climate for the Farm Bill Debate - Fixing the Farm Bill PowerPoint presentation

Impacts of the 1996 Farm Bill Including Ad Hoc Additions
Daryll E. Ray
February 2001

Link to Impacts of the 1996 Farm Bill Including Ad Hoc Additions PowerPoint presentation Link to Impacts of the 1996 Farm Bill Including Ad Hoc Additions word file  

Crop Agriculture Faces Long-Term Price and Income Problems
Testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture
Daryll E. Ray
Feb 14, 2001

Link to Crop Agriculture Faces Long-Term Price and Income Problems word file Link to Crop Agriculture Faces Long-Term Price and Income Problems PowerPoint presentation

1996 Farm Bill: A Price Response Experiment
Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Daryll E. Ray

Why Grain Markets Don’t Self-Correct Under Current Policies
Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Daryll E. Ray
August 4, 1999

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