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There used to be only one way to buy or sell a house. But today's real estate professionals are changing the way they do business: offering potential buyers the chance to view detailed listings online, using websites to gather leads on potential customers, and using the Internet to match buyers and sellers.

And some are changing the “menu” of services they're offering. More and more, consumers can choose among real estate professionals who do business on a “fee per service” basis and others who provide the full complement of services. There’s no doubt about it: Increased competition in any industry -- including real estate -- leads to more choices, better prices, and stepped-up service for buyers and sellers.

The Federal Trade Commission works for a competitive marketplace, protecting healthy competition so that consumers have access to a wider variety of goods and services and businesses have a chance to compete on the merits of their work. As part of this program, the FTC enforces laws against individuals or companies that try to stifle competition. This website offers information for consumers, real estate professionals, attorneys, advocates, and legislators on the FTC's recent initiatives to encourage competition in the real estate industry.

To Report Concerns About Real Estate Competition...

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Last Updated: Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:46 PM

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Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580