Duke Law School

Law and Contemporary Problems

Court of Public Opinionglobe, representing Global Administrative LawRace and Socio Economic Class

Law and Contemporary Problems

Latest Issue

Volume 72 Winter 2009 Number 1

Conventions in Science and Law

David Michaels and Neil Vidmar
Special Editors


David Michaels and
Neil Vidmar

Irreconcilable Differences? The Troubled Marriage of Science and Law

Susan Haack 1

Essay: Conventions in Science and in the Courts: Images and Realities

Jerome R. Ravetz 25

The Arts of Persuasion in Science and Law: Conflicting Norms in the Courtroom

Herbert M. Kritzer 41

Science, Law and the Expert Witness

Joseph Sanders 63

How Does Science Come to Speak in the Courts? Citations Intertexts, Expert Witnesses, Consequential Facts, and Reasoning

Charles Bazerman 91

How Much Evidence is Enough? Conventions of Causal Inference

David Kriebel 121

Trials and Tribulations: What Happens When Historians Enter the Courtroom

David Rosner 137

Merton and the Hot Tub: Scientific Conventions and Expert Evidence in Australian Civil Procedure

Gary Edmond 159

In Defense of "Footnote Four": A Historical Analysis of the New Deal's Effect on Land Regulation in the U.S. Supreme Court

Christopher S. Dodrill 191

Race and Socio-Economic Class: Unraveling an Increasingly Complex Tapestry

Law & Contemporary Problems and the Mills Conversation Series will be sponsoring a conference on race and socio-economic class at Duke Law School on Friday, January 23, 2009. This event will go from 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. in room 3037.
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