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January 14, 2009 -- 5:16 p.m. EST
Most Emailed Articles
1. 'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
If "Atlas Shrugged" were required reading for every member of Congress and the Obama administration, the current financial mess would end faster.

2. Doing the Math to Find Good Jobs
Mathematicians have landed the top spot in a new study ranking the best and worst jobs in the U.S. A look at how other occupations fared.

3. Karl Rove: President Bush Tried to Rein In Fan and Fred
Democrats and the media have the housing story wrong.

4. Market Grows for Temp Surgeons
Economic and cultural forces are creating a growing market for temporary surgeons-for-hire.

5. Hospital Scrubs Are a Germy, Deadly Mess
Bacteria on doctor uniforms can kill you.
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1. Doing the Math to Find Good Jobs
Mathematicians have landed the top spot in a new study ranking the best and worst jobs in the U.S. A look at how other occupations fared.

2. 'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
If "Atlas Shrugged" were required reading for every member of Congress and the Obama administration, the current financial mess would end faster.

3. Officials Turn Down Franken Request
Democrat Al Franken was quickly turned down when he asked Minnesota's governor and secretary of state to issue an election certificate that would let him take office in the Senate.

4. Citigroup Ready to Shrink Itself by a Third
Citigroup is set to announce a plan to shed businesses and shrink itself by one-third, essentially dismantling the financial colossus built by legendary dealmaker Sanford Weill.

5. Geithner's Taxes Muddle Confirmation
A confirmation hearing for Treasury secretary-nominee Timothy Geithner was delayed by reports of tax issues.
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