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NIH Record

Renovation Limits Food Service In Bldg. 10 Cafeteria Kitchen

In a project scheduled to continue through Friday, Jan. 21, 2000, the Guest Services Inc. Bldg. 10, B1-level cafeteria kitchen has been shut down in order to renovate the kitchen ceiling.

The cafeteria dining area will remain open and offer a limited variety of breakfast items such as coffee and tea, boxed cereals, fresh fruits, doughnuts, pastries and muffins. Grab-and-go items such as sandwiches and salads, chips and bottled beverages will be offered during lunch hours. However, there will be no hot food services offered in this facility. Those wishing to purchase hot entrees for breakfast and/or lunch may visit the 2nd floor (ACRF) cafeteria and make their selections from an expanded menu that will be offered. To accommodate the overflow of patrons from the ACRF cafeteria, GSI will also offer sandwiches and salads at the Cafe Verde located on the first floor above the Visitor Information Center.

Note the following temporary changes in the hours of operation for the B1-level and ACRF cafeterias:

ACRF Cafeteria - 2nd Floor

Monday through Friday - 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Saturday/Sunday and holiday hours will remain the same.

B1-level Cafeteria

Monday through Friday - 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The B1-level cafeteria is scheduled to resume full operations starting Monday, Jan. 24, 2000.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Pamela Jenkins, 402-0878.

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