Module One:  Site Selection, Soil Preparation, Cultivar Selection, and Planting

Module Two: 
Mulching and Irrigation

Module Three:  Fertilization and Plant Nutrition

Module Four: Harvesting

Module Five:  Pruning

Module Six:  Weed and Pest Management




Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) have become a valuable fruit crop in Missouri.  The cultivated highbush blueberry is a perennial deciduous, woody shrub which attains a height of five to ten feet.  The large, flavorful, blue-colored berries are a favorite of consumers, delicious as fresh fruit or processed into pies, muffins, jams, etc.  The lustrous green (summer) and red (fall) foliage and compact size make the highbush blueberry plant an attractive landscape plant for homeowners.

Although the cultural requirements for highbush blueberries differ greatly from other small fruits, blueberries can be grown in most parts of Missouri.  For commercial producers, blueberries offer one of the highest potential returns of any fruit crop grown in Missouri.  Most commercial plantings in Missouri have been established since 1975 and generally range in size from one to fifteen acres.  The commercial acreage in production (1998) was estimated to be nearly 150 acres and is expected to increase for several years.

Growing blueberries can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience for both the gardener and commercial producer.  This site is designed to acquaint you with the cultural requirements of blueberries and to update information on growing blueberries in Missouri.