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NIH Record


Anderson Takes CIT Post

Renitalynette K. Anderson was recently named director of the new Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications for CIT. She joined NIH in 1997 as chief of the Office of Telecommunications Management for NIH and helped coordinate its transition last year into part of the newly formed Center. Anderson is a representative on DHHS's Federal Telecommunication Services 2001 committee and its telecommunications improvement program steering committee. Before coming to NIH, she was a NASA program manager for the telecommunications network that interconnects foreign and domestic tracking telemetry stations, launch areas, control centers and science data capture facilities. Prior to that, she conducted communications and navigations systems development and evaluation for Patuxent River Naval Air Station.

NINR Welcomes New Council Members

Two new members recently joined the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research: Dr. Margarethe Cammermeyer and Dr. Carmen J. Portillo. A third member, Jean Rochelle Marshall, was reappointed after serving out the term of another member.

Cammermeyer is an advanced nurse practitioner and lecturer/consultant in neuroscience nursing. She has extensive clinical practice experience and has served in clinical faculty roles in California and Washington.

NINR director Dr. Patricia Grady (third from l) welcomes new members to the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research. They are (from l) Jean Rochelle Marshall, Dr. Carmen J. Portillo and Dr. Margarethe Cammermeyer.

Portillo, associate professor, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, has served in national and regional leadership roles in Hispanic health and women's health issues.

Marshall, corporate vice president, government and community relations, Meridian Health System, Wall, N.J., has more than 20 years of experience in health care planning and administration.

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