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Briefing Rooms

Food Security in the United States: Related Links

America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2007—This report from the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics includes ERS statistics on children's food security.

U.S. Action Plan on Food Security—Links to questions and answers on food security and the U.S. Action Plan on Food Security (PDF).

USDA Hunger and Food Security page—Information on USDA's Community Food Projects Competitive Grants fund, with links and information about various community food security resources.

USDA Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program—Designed to increase food security in communities by bringing the whole food system together to assess strengths, establish linkages, and create systems that improve the self-reliance of community members over their food needs. Grants are intended to help eligible private nonprofit entities that need a one-time infusion of Federal assistance to establish and carry out multi-purpose community food projects. The site provides information on project guidelines, summaries of ongoing and completed projects, and how to apply for funding.

USDA Food and Nutrition Service Food Security Action Resources—Provide tools to help communities, advocates, and State and local governments strengthen partnerships to fight food insecurity and maximize the effectiveness of USDA's nutrition assistance programs. Resources include The National Nutrition Safety Net: Tools for Community Food Security, a guide for helping communities overcome barriers to Federal nutrition assistance programs; Together We Can, a handbook for combating hunger through volunteer activities through volunteerism; and A Guide to Measuring Household Food Security, tools to help assess the extent of food insecurity and hunger at the local level.

USDA Food and Nutrition Service Small Farms/School Meals Initiative Guide—The Small Farms/School Meals Initiative encourages small farmers to sell fresh fruits and vegetables to local schools for use in their meal programs. This manual is a step-by-step guide of activities for groups to plan, conduct, and publicize a professional town hall meeting that encourages small farmers and local school officials to begin a "farm-to-school" project.

USDA National Agricultural Library (NAL) Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)—Cooperative effort between USDA's NAL and Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service. Provides a State-by-State listing of CSA farms, information on how community supported agriculture works, and links to specific resources for those interested in establishing or expanding a CSA program.


For more information, contact: Mark Nord

Web administration:

Updated date: November 14, 2007