Press Room
  Smithsonian Latino Center

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Smithsonian Latino Center

Press Room
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Press Releases


In the Media

Posters from the Division of Community Education (DIVEDCO) of Puerto Rico, 1949-1989 


 Andean Rhythms Children Music Workshop

The Washington Post

Myth, Mortals and Immortality: Works from Museo Soumaya de Mexico

  • The Examiner

Myth, Mortals and Immortality at Smithsonian International Gallery

  • Bloomberg Report

Carlos Slim's Rivera, N.Y. Streets, Wegman's Dogs: D.C. Art By Roger Atwood

  • Yahoo Español news

     Exposición Smithsonian incluye boceto de obra perdida de Rivera

  • AOL Latino news

         Presentan en EU boceto desaparecido de Rivera en exposición mexicana