Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare  

Mother and ChildCancer is the term used for more than 100 diseases that cause excessive, uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which invade and destroy other tissues.

Cancer can develop in almost any body organ or tissue, but certain types of cancer are more often fatal than others. Each year, more than 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer. After heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.

Cancer rates vary by age, gender, and race. For example:

  • Cancer rates usually increase steadily with age;
  • Males have a higher incidence than females for most cancer types; and
  • Rates are higher among African-Americans than among other ethnic groups.

Tobacco use is the single most important risk factor for cancer incidence and mortality. Diets low in fresh fruits and vegetables have been associated with an increased incidence of several cancers.

Idaho Comprehensive Cancer Control Program


Comprehensive cancer control is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as “an integrated and coordinated approach to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer through prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation.”


On July 1, 2005, Idaho was funded by CDC for a one-year Comprehensive Cancer Control planning grant.  As a result, a comprehensive statewide cancer needs assessment will be conducted that will lead to the development of a statewide strategic cancer control plan for Idaho.  To accomplish this, the Comprehensive Cancer Alliance of Idaho (CCAI) was formed to work with the state program to achieve its goals through the development and implementation of the strategic plan.   


Idaho aims to coordinate efforts to address the cancer burden by strengthening alliances and encouraging collaboration to address the continuum of cancer care. We will identify gaps in service delivery, maximize resources, enable changes in systems and policies, and implement multi-level interventions to reduce cancer incidence and mortality and improve quality of life. The CCAI has identified five focus areas that that will be targeted: 


·   Prevention

·  Early Detection

·  Treatment

·  Quality of Life and Survivorship Issues

·  Data 

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