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Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety

Access: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety

CRFSFSComprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS) is one of the peer-reviewed online journals of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). It has been published quarterly since 2002. Review papers provide in-depth coverage of a narrowly defined topic on any food science or food safety aspect, including nutrition, engineering, microbiology, sensory evaluation, physiology, genetics, economics, regulations, and history.

A typical review embodies careful assessment of all pertinent studies (weaknesses, strengths, discrepancies in findings) so that insightful, integrative interpretations, summaries, and conclusions are presented. For either an unsolicited or an invited manuscript authors should submit to the Scientific Editor a suitable title, a brief outline, and a short statement describing the importance of the topic and how the presentation will advance food science and food technology.

Scientific Editor
Manfred Kroger
Pennsylvania State University

Editor in Chief, IFT Scientific Journals:
Daryl Lund
Univ. of Wisconsin

Submit papers through IFT Manuscript Central at

Guiding Principle for IFT Peer-Reviewed Publications

The publication of sound science in a peer-reviewed format provides the fundamental basis by which IFT serves as "… the authoritative voice of food science and technology". Read full statement >>

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