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Home   >  Awards


IFT recognizes the many accomplishments that individuals and organizations have made to advance the food science industry and to help ensure safe, affordable, and nutritious foods to the world.  To honor these individuals and organizations, the IFT Awards Program was created. This program grants awards, fellowships, and prizes for outstanding accomplishments in all areas of food science and technology, administering 14 Achievement Awards, the Marcel Loncin Research Prize, and the IFT Fellows program.

Download the Awards Brochure(pdf)

2009 IFT Fellow
IFT is now accepting nominations for 2009 IFT Fellow. Nominate a deserving colleague today:

The deadline to nominate an IFT Fellow February 1, 2009. If you have questions about the nomination process please contact Jenny Schmidli jschmidli@ift.org.

Achievement Awards
IFT Achievement Awards honor outstanding individuals, teams, and organizations for contribution to the profession of food science and technology.

Marcel Loncin Research Prize
This prize is given in even-numbered years to honor and provide funding for an IFT-member or nonmember scientist or engineer conducting basic chemistry/physics/engineering research applied to food processing and improvement of food quality.

IFT offers over 73 undergraduate and 39 graduate scholarship, totaling nearly $175,000.

Congressional Support for Science Award
Awarded each year to two members of the United States Congress in recognition of their achievements and efforts in making food-related policies that are based on sound science. 

IFT Fellows
Election as an IFT Fellow is a unique professional distinction conferred for outstanding and extraordinary contributions in the field of food science and technology.

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