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NIH Record Study Subjects Sought

Postmenopausal Vols Needed

The Cardiology Branch, NHLBI, is recruiting postmenopausal female volunteers for a 6-month study investigating the effects of hormone replacement therapy on the body's defense against infections that may be important in atherosclerosis. Participants must be between ages 50 and 65 and in good general health, and not have taken hormone replacement therapy or other medications for at least 6 months prior to study. Volunteers will be paid. Call 435-4038.

Healthy Mothers Needed

The Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry Branch, NIMH, seeks right-handed mothers ages 20-40 with nonadopted first-born children ages 5-12 to participate in an fMRI study on the visual processing of faces. Volunteers should have no history of medical or psychiatric disorders, and should not be taking prescription medication (including birth control pills). The first-born children of volunteers should have no history of psychiatric illness or chronic medical problems. Volunteers must have normal vision or wear contacts. Participation requires a 2-hour screening interview, a followup visit and a 3-hour visit for fMRI scan. Participants will be reimbursed. For more information, call Lisa Kalik or Neil Santiago at 496-8381.

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