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NIH Record


Fink Is New NIAID Information Officer

Leslie Fink has been named director of NIAID's Office of Communications and Public Liaison. She worked for a year as a science writer in that office in 1989 before leaving to establish and head the communications office for the Human Genome Project in NHGRI. She has been a science communications professional at NIH since 1983, also working at NCI and NICHD. Her work in print and visual media has been recognized by several professional organizations including the National Association of Government Communicators, the Society for Technical Communications, and the Council of International Non-Theatrical Events. She received the NIH Director's Award in 1997.

Rowland Directs Office of Cancer Survivorship

Dr. Julia Howe Rowland has been named director, Office of Cancer Survivorship, NCI. The office is the focal point for support of special initiatives aimed at investigators who interact with cancer survivors, and research programs relevant to survivors and their families. Rowland has more than 20 years of experience as a researcher, clinician and educator in the field of psycho-oncology. She has served as an associate professor and director of the psycho-oncology program at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Her work at OCS begins full-time in September.

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