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Site Reassessment

Reassessment Links
  • Reassessment Schedule - table of major reports and associated dates.
  • Links to Reassessment Reports - a list of all Reassessment documents available on this web site.
  • Peer Review - information on the peer review process for the Reassessment, with links to charges, summary reports, and responses to the reviewers comments, as available.
In December 1989, EPA announced its decision to initiate a detailed Reassessment Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (Reassessment RI/FS) of EPA’s 1984 interim No Action decision for the Upper Hudson River sediments. This was prompted by the five-year review required by CERCLA, technical advances in sediment dredging and treatment/destruction technologies, as well as a request by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for a re-examination of the 1984 decision. The Reassessment RI/FS was divided into three phases:

The Feasibility Study was released concurrently with the Proposed Plan for the Hudson River PCBs site in December 2000.



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