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Preliminary Design Report (April 2004)

The report conceptually describes Phase 1 and Phase 2 dredging process, from removal of sediment to disposal. It evaluates the full spectrum of existing dredging technologies, including

The report also includes design criteria based on EPA's draft performance standards, and other EPA criteria identified in the ROD (e.g., no transport of processed sediment by truck; dredged material to be disposed outside the Hudson River Valley).

Table of Contents

Text, Appendices and Tables
Preliminary Design Report [1.4 MB, 229 pages] Figures 1.1 - 3.13 [8.5 MB, 18 pages]
Appendices [5.7 MB, 81 pages] Figures 3.13 - 3.32 [9.8 MB, 20 pages]
Tables [1.8 MB, 21 pages] Figures 3.33 - 3.51 [10.2 MB, 20 pages]
  Figures 4.1 - 11.1 [8 MB, 20 pages]


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