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The Once and Future Web Information Exhibition Library Learning Station Online Resources Feedback blank space
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Networked Worlds A Part of Our Lives A Part of Our Dreams Saved by the Wire
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Classroom Activities
Comparing the Telegraph and Internet
  1. Read aloud the following paragraph to students:
    "The pioneering networks of the telegraph in many ways foretold the influence of our contemporary network of networks - the Internet. Yesterday, the telegraph offered spectacular promise yet raised daunting challenges. Today, in striking parallels, the Internet does the same. The ability to exchange information in split seconds has influenced every aspects of life, opening new worlds. By transforming how we communicate, we have transformed ourselves."

    (Optional: The paragraph is also displayed on an overhead projector or a flip chart.)

  2. Have students to rephrase the main idea conveyed in the paragraph in their own words, and review the main idea statements in the class.

  3. Tell students that they are to conduct a comparative study of the telegraph and Internet.

  4. Have students talk about what they already know about these two technologies. Record and compare their responses between the telegraph and Internet.

  5. Tell students that they will continue this comparative study of the telegraph and Internet by using an online exhibition called, The Once and Future Web.

  6. Have students work in small groups of three to formulate four important questions that need to be answered for the comparison of the Internet and Telegraph. Afterwards, have groups share their questions and allow each group to revise the list of their questions.

  7. Allow each small group to access a computer station where they will evaluate the stories and images presented in The Once and Future Web in order to answer the four questions that they have prepared.

  8. Have groups finish their evaluation and share their questions and answers found after viewing The Once and Future Web.

  9. Ask each student to re-read the paragraph read aloud previously and evaluate whether she or he agree or disagree with the ideas presented in the paragraph.

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