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Antipsychotic Does Not Harm—and May Improve—Cognitive Skills in Children with Autism
August 27, 2008 • Science Update
The atypical antipsychotic medication risperidone (Risperdal) does not negatively affect cognitive skills of children with autism, and may lead to improvements.
Health Risks Associated with Certain Antipsychotics Warrant Extra Monitoring
July 24, 2008 • Science Update
Some atypical antipsychotics may be more likely than others to cause metabolic and cardiovascular side effects, according to recent analyses using data from the NIMH-funded Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE).
Age-related Decline of ADHD Symptoms Disrupted by Middle School
July 21, 2008 • Science Update
Although symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) can last into adulthood, typically they decline as a child gets older.
Newer Antipsychotics No Better Than Older Medications in Reducing Schizophrenia-related Violence
July 11, 2008 • Science Update
Antipsychotic medications can reduce the risk of violence among people with schizophrenia, but the newer atypical antipsychotics are no more effective in doing so than older medications.
Antipsychotic Medications May Ease Some Alzheimer’s Symptoms, Not Others
June 23, 2008 • Science Update
Antipsychotic medications may lessen symptoms like hostility and aggression in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, but do not appear to lessen other symptoms or improve quality of life, according to a recent analysis of data from the NIMH-funded Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness Alzheimer’s Disease (CATIE-AD) study. The analysis was published online ahead of print June 2, 2008, in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
New Grant Aims to Overcome Obesity in People with Serious Mental Illness
June 20, 2008 • Science Update
A new grant funded by NIMH will test the effectiveness of a promising intervention designed to help people with serious mental illness (SMI) who are overweight or obese lose weight and keep it off.
HIV-positive Survivors of Sexual Abuse Who Receive Coping Intervention Less Likely to Engage in Unprotected Sex
May 23, 2008 • Science Update
HIV-positive people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior if they receive a group intervention designed to help them cope with their traumatic history, according to an NIMH-funded study.
Medication-only Therapy and Combination Therapy Both Cost Effective for Treating Teens with Depression
May 12, 2008 • Science Update
Treating depressed teenagers with either the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) or a combination of fluoxetine and psychotherapy can be cost effective, according to a recent economic analysis.
Study launched to test possible preventive treatment for schizophrenia in high risk youth
May 1, 2008 • Science Update
NIMH recently awarded a grant to study whether an intensive, computerized training program can help prevent youth at high risk for developing schizophrenia from having a first psychotic episode and improve adaptive functioning.
Maintenance Treatment Crucial for Teens’ Recovery from Depression
April 8, 2008 • Science Update
Long-term maintenance treatment is likely to sustain improvement and prevent recurrence among adolescents with major depression, according to an NIMH-funded study.
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