Global Crop Pests:  Information and Identification Services in Integrated Pest Management


The Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) and collaborators welcome you to the prototype of the Global Crop Pest Identification and Information Services in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) on the World Wide Web.

Please select below the language you prefer to continue your exploration of our prototype site. In this prototype, only a few language sections are available:

Unsolicited proposal for crop pest identification and information services in integrated pest management (IPM) on the World Wide Web.


El Instituto Internacional de Cornell para la Alimentacion, Agricultura y Desarrollo (CIIFAD) y colaboradores le dan la bienvenida al prototipo de la guia electronica Servicio de Informacion Global para la Identificacion de Plagas de Cultivos y Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) en el World Wide Web.

Por favor seleccione abajo el leguage de su preferencia para seguir explorando nuestro prototipo. En este prototipo las seleciones son limitadas:

If you have questions or comments about this site, please send e-mail to Alfredo Rueda ( Si Ud. tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre esta pagina o el projecto favor envie un e-mail a Alfredo Rueda (