Institute of Food Technologists
525 W. Van Buren, Ste. 1000
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 312.782.8424
Fax: 312.782.8348

Publication Rights and Permissions

Journals Permissions Requests
To obtain permission to reprint partial or full content from previously published Journal of Food Science (JFS), Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS), the Journal of Food Science Education (JFSE) articles, contact the Wiley-Blackwell Permissions Team at, supplying as much information as possible. For more information, see

Publication Rights for Content Presented at IFT's Annual Meeting
We are very pleased to offer you the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo as the platform to present your research.  IFT's Annual Meeting & Food Expo attracts scientists from across the world in many fields of study.  We are equally proud of the readership that our flagship journal, the Journal of Food Science, attracts. If you choose to publish your research in JFS (as authors from more than 90 countries have), your work will attract the attention it deserves. We hope that you carefully consider your decision as to where to publish your paper. - Daryl Lund, Editor-in-Chief, IFT Scientific Journals

Policy and Procedures
Authors submitting papers to the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo are not required to submit papers for publication in an IFT publication. However, IFT, as sponsor of this meeting, retains “right of first refusal” before any paper presented at its meetings is published elsewhere. This policy, also followed by many other scientific societies, reflects the position that by giving authors a forum to present their research, IFT should be given the first chance to publish the findings. If the author wishes to publish the paper elsewhere, the author must so request.

IFT’s journals  -- the Journal of Food Science (JFS), Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS), the Journal of Food Science Education (JFSE), and Food Technology -- always welcome quality, science-based articles for publication. As soon as possible after the Annual Meeting, authors should visit Manuscript Central at to submit their manuscripts to JFS, CRFSFS, and JFSE.

To submit to Food Technology, contact Bob Swientek at or 312.604.0274 for further information.