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NIH Record

Management Intern Program Recruits Leaders

The NIH Management Intern Program is celebrating its 42nd anniversary. So if you're looking to change careers, this is a program with a proven track record. Many of the interns have gone on to obtain successful, high-level managerial positions with NIH and other federal agencies.

The program uses entry-level career development training designed for outstanding men and women who have a clear commitment to a public service career. Rotational assignments introduce interns to potential administrative career tracks, for example grants and contracts management, general administration, human resources management, budget, legislation, information technology and program/management analysis.

NIH recently welcomed six new management interns. They are (top row, from l) Terri Sudler, David Lisle and David Holley. At bottom are (from l) Nolan Jones, Shelly Moran and Teneshia Alston.

This year's program opens on Feb. 8 and closes Mar. 8. Application packages and more information about the program will be available the week of Jan. 25 and may be obtained by calling the Division of Career Resources at 496-2403. The packages will also be offered by several personnel offices and at some off-campus locations such as Executive Plaza South, Solar Bldg., Willco Bldg., Parklawn Bldg., NCI/FCRDC (Frederick, Md.), NIEHS (North Carolina) and NIA (Baltimore).

To apply you must be a U.S. citizen; be willing to work full-time; be a current Department of Health and Human Services employee at the GS-5 level or above or wage grade equivalent and currently employed in either a career or career-conditional appointment or be on a veterans readjustment appointment, severely physically disabled (Schedule A) appointment or any other appointment that offers noncompetitive conversion.

Detailed program information will be provided at the sessions listed in the next column. Applicants are encouraged to attend a session before completing their application package.

1999 NIH Management Intern Information
Session Schedule

(All sessions are from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

Date   Location
Feb. 1   Bldg. 1, Wilson Hall
Feb. 5   Natcher, Rm. C1 and 2
Feb. 10   Parklawn, Conf. Rm. O
Feb. 12   EPN, Conf. Rm. E & F
Feb. 17   Rockledge II, 9112 & 9116
Feb. 18   Bldg. 10, 2C116

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